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"Guess My Avatar!"


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I ... will never again question the wisdom of DarthFergie. I ... will also never argue with DarthFergie about Star Trek.

Ditto ;).


Hehe, this is fun :D!


Hint #4: The game is a fantasy strategy game, like Age of Mythology.

Hint #5: He's not holding a lightsaber. That ought to puzzle you :D.

Hint #6: The game's name has "Domini" in it :).


You should figure it out without more hints. Use hint 3 and 6 ;).

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Nope, not Final Fantasy (actually, I've heard there is a FF strategy game called Final Fantasy Tactics, but I've only played 7 and 8, so..)


Hint #7 (reffering to hint #3): Visited the website yet? The name of the game is the title of one of the forum threads.

Hint #8: It's not on Page 1 of any of the forums, so you'll have to look back a bit. Again, see hint 6 :).


Hint #9: The Jotunheim mountains are in the game, so are Ermor and the sunken city of Atlantis.

Hint #10: Read hint number 3, 6, 7 and 8 over and use them ;).

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Guest Supreme Warlord

What?! How in the world are we suppose to remember that!? man jeez... you think we are computers with perfect memories? I will say a Trade Federation Droid was your last Avatar. :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Dominions: Priest, Prophets, & Pretenders Is this a star trek game? What is it about? I am curious because i have never heard of this game...:(

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

Ok, it's either a Priest, Prophet, or Pretender.


It's from the game "Dominions: Priest, Prophets, & Pretenders"


so what is it?


Did you open the thread :D?


http://www.illwinter.com. It's got nothing to do with Star- anything. It's a fantasy strategy game. Simple as that. You should try it out, though, it's hard to learn, but once you know it it's really cool.


The unit in my avatar is a fire-element templar knight, and he's weapon is a fire sword. It's a screenshot from one of the battles. Damn cool unit.

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