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animal nursery??????????????/


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Guest SirBlack

If there's only a few Nerfs around (like 4 or 6) then just kill them all and get the food quick. If there's a whole bunch around, then still kill 4 or so to help reach Tech 2 quickly but put the rest in a nursery. I generally don't bother with a Nursery unless I see I'll have like 8 or more Nerfs to put in it. However, if you're going to do some sort of early rush involving Mounted Troopers you'll Nursery at some point...

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Man if you kill my Santa, dude then I am with Captain Drake. I got to have my Civilization three first then you can kill him:D :D :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I am with Captain Drake again. WHo blood cares about him? I care about my bloody Santa!:D I love talking in the ways of Ship Captain does.

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SirBlack has the right idea.


Some numbers for you:


Droids eating nerfs gather the food at .330F/second

A powered nursery only gathers at .100F animal/second


(example - 4 nerfs in a powered nursery = .400F/second

5 nerfs in a powered nursery = .500F/second

6 nerfs in a powered nursery = .600F/second , ect, etc)



So only when you have more than 4 nerfs garrisoned in a powered nursery do you start to gather food at a rate comparable to just eating the fellows straight out.


Since a powered nursery is not an early viable option (just not enough carbon), eating the nerfs is generally a wise move unless you have a ton of them hanging around.


Nerfs in a nursery do make a decent food supply later in the game though so its value shouldn't be completely written off.

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