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Best defense against AT-AT's

Guest Chad Skywalker

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Guest Chad Skywalker

IN your experience what is the best way to take down a swarm of AT-AT's


Normally I use my airforce, but my buddy started building AA Turrets as he moved in with his AT-AT's


Just wondering if something is more effective, since lately my buddy is sending in swarms of AT-AT's at the same time.



Thanks in advance.

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Guest Chad Skywalker

I was attacking his main base, he rebuilt a Mech Factory mid map with good defenses.


Sad thing is I wiped out his main town twice and still lost the match. Although I was going to lose for sure after the first 3 minutes of the game, becuase I forgot I put the game on fast mode and forgot to research Tech 2 early, he ended up with all the Holcrons and I ended up having to click for Nova.



I thought about Jedi's but with so many AT-AT's I am not sure it will be effective.


Thanks for the replies so far.

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I prefer to use air myself but since that isn't an option I would use melee units. Hvy Mech Destroyers are nice but AT-ATs tear through them to easy. Even upgraded AT-ATs have a minimum range so they can't defend against melee units and when they shoot at a unit attacking another AT-AT their splash damage will hurt their own units too. When I say melee units I mean Crusaders, Beserkers, and Jedi not Mounted Troopers because they suck. If your Civ doesn't have any of these (TF or Gungans) then you'll have to go Mech vs Mech. Hvy Assult Fambaas around a Fambaa Shield Gen will shred AT-ATs trust, me I know :)

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Guest Lord Maul

Jedi or a crap load of Gungans. I'm guessing the swarm of ATATs that I sent in must of tripped over their dead bodies and fell. Or something like that. All I know is my swarm of ATATs were destroyed by a lot of Gungans.:confused:

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Guest Nerf Herder

If its a late game and you have a lot of food and carbon I would go with the mech destroyers. Nomally I don't make ATATs any more. Sure they look nice, but I find mech destroyers with strike mech more useful and less expensive.


If you can get a army of about 20 mech destroyers, remember you need to have quite a bit of food and carbon, and select those MD's and attack each ATAT individually with the selected MD's then that should take each ATAT with one attack, if not then two attacks. You will lose some to his mass ATAT army, but MD's are alot cheaper to make then ATAT's.


I don't like using ATAT's because of there intensive Nova cost. I use cannons if I want to do some heavy firing. I use the Nova's for upgrades. Nova is a limited resource, unless you have holocrons, while food and carbon is almost limitless.


Once I used 60 MD's with AA vehicles and took out any entire base that had assult mechs and mech destroyers. I used cannons for the building, but was able to attack buildings with my MD's. It didn't destroy them fast, but there was nothing there to counter my MD's. I know they weren't ATATs but they were similar.

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Guest Destroyer Droid

Well one i see my opponent has tonnes of them I would retreat a bit set up a shield generator and a few turrets and get lots of mech destroyers and grenade troopers.

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I was playing as the Naboo, once and I had a second base, so I let his 20- 30 At-Ats partially destroy the base, then I hit him with several waves of genade troopers, and royal crusaders. The grenade troopers worked ok, but Crusaders are the best ground unit, that the Naboo have, against heavy mechs.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Mech Destroyers and Jedi/SIth will take them out of a fight really quick. Just build loads of them if they have a swarm of ATAT.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Adv. Plummels are too expensive in nova crystal and Mech destroyer will be cheaper. Plus the Jedi can serve an all purpose attack...

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Well then comes in the Bounty hunter and Mech Destroyter. That is what is so good about this game. IT can surprise you sometimes. and you have to scramble in order to counter that move he suprised you will.

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