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I never really figured this one out (Vader mission 7 ending spoiler)...

Dagobahn Eagle

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Did anyone play the bonus mission in the Vader campaign where you are to defend Endor against an Ewok/Rebel attack? Remember how Mara Jade said that the entire rebel fleet had been destroyed and that the Death Star had survived? Well, in the ending, she says:


"But I never figured out what happened to Vader and his new padawan, Luke Skywalker." Then she adds, "there is a disturbance in the Force."


So what happened? I guess that exactly the same happened on the bridge except Luke may have fallen to the Darkside if he "felt" Leia be captured or Han Solo and Calrission dying. Considering he felt Solo be tortured when he was several light years away, he certainly must have felt him die when he was on the planet below.


But what if the same happened as in ROTJ? Luke cuts of Vader's hand, Emperor starts attacking Luke, Vader has a change of heart and throws him down that shaft, Vader dies. Then what?? Is he supposed to manage to fight his way trough all the troops on the Death Star and escape? He did in ROTJ, but then again, that was an exploding Death Star and what everyone cared about was getting to safety. Also the fact that one of the prisoners was indeed dragging Vader's half-dead body along with him :D. That's like running from the collapsing Trade Center and seeing a Taliban soldier dragging a wounded Bush over to a helicopter. One word: Panic.


Now this didn't happen. Or maybe Luke managed to get on the shuttle (by dragging the body around thus scaring the piss out of everyone). But how would he survive the entire Imperial fleet? One possibility is that he stole Palpatine's personal shuttle, which has a cloaking device. If he didn't, maybe he used a mind trick to hide his precense as the shuttle flew trough their fleet and escape?


What is your theory? Did Luke survive? Did he meet up with Mara? What would happen next?

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