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Should BLIZZARD have made this game?... /sigh


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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

I liked Starcraft campaigns better than SWGB campaigns, because Starcraft is able to tell the story better simply because of animated portraits and the "briefing room" (rather than slideshows and a screen of text).

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*Jaw drops in utter shock* Aside from my the fact of my hatred of all things Blizzard the XCraft (WarCraft and StarCraft) gaming engine is so old and obsolete its it utterly point less to revamp it. It has no physics engine there by promoting utter unrealism. You can’t grab more then 12 units to make a battle group so you can “prevent rushing” yet you can hot key to make a large rush. There is so much more of how the XCraft engine is limited in such a unbelievable way that there’s a whole web site on it (http://www.geocities.com/candyman13281/ta-starcraft.htm)


But all that aside LucasArts picked the AOK because the makers could get the game out before AOC (attack of the clones) Blizzard has all of it’s resources allocated to WarCraft III which is based on a all new game engine.


I feel that LucasArts should have bought the rights to the Total Annihilation source code. It’s a great engine about the same age of the SC engine. All they would have to do would be to write a new GP3 file and new graphs.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Starcraft's engine is actually newer than the BANG! engine that is used for Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, and Star Wars: Galactic Battelgrounds. In many ways it is far superior, like the animated portraits and briefing room. These things aren't really possible with the BANG! engine though. In fact, the only thing I have to complain about Starcraft is that you can only select 12 units at once.

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I HAVE infact played Starcraft, and really like that game. But should have Blizzard made this game? Hell no.


Why? Although it is a faced paced game, it is very unkind to newbies, hacks are hard to eliminate, no formations, and the only way to really win a game is using overwhelming forces.


SWGB has its own flaws, but one the graphics are better, it is fast paced as well, granted this is the same engine, but because the SW units are ranged, and air units, its not as slow as AOK (not as fast as SC, but still). I prefer the 4 resources to SC's simple 2, because it caters to different styles of play.


It NEVER takes 50 units to kill 1 unit in SWGB, but it will take you 50 troopers to kill 1 building, but if you actually played the game for more than 2 seconds, you would see that like Guardians/SiegeTanks/Carriers of Starcraft, there are certain units that are perfect for killing buildings.


I kinda found it silly that simply making 188 hydralisks/marines in SC could lay waste to everything, where in SWGB just making 1 kind of unit is an almost guaranteed loss against decent players.


And the graphics, please I like Starcraft becuase it had 3 perfectly balanced races, and its gameplay was solid, but the sound/graphics left ALOT to be desired. The SWGB gfx, isn't fantastic, but its lightyears ahead of SC, the sounds in SWGB are good, and the music in both games are good...


I can understand people saying SWGB should have been 3d (they tried in Force Commandor what a disaster) or TA engine, but not SC...sheesh. The StarCraft engine, IS NOT NEWER than AoK, whoever said that does not know what they are talking about.


StarCraft came out after WarCraft II, and AoE came out shortly after, the AoK engine is updated and different than the original AoE engine. Blizzard hasn't even added resolutions beyond 640x480 to StarCraft, and further more their inability to release a sequal to such a great game pisses me off, but to use that OLD crap to power SW is a no-no. Don't get me wrong I love SC too ("My Life for Aiur" heh, Protoss is the best civ ever), its just a bad engine for SW in my opinion.

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I know, but i still play StarCraft (i like AoK more than SC but SC is better, if u dont understand i give you ane example:

B&W(Black & White) is the best game ever made (whit their bug´s all right), but i dont really like it a lot) What i love from SC are the 3 civs. The most balanced game i ever know (of course in the Xpansion and v1.08) i also like for the FAST factor.

I don´t have SWGB, but i like AoK, and i think i like SWGB too.

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