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Keyboard Shortcut?


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OK, this may not be relevent for GB, but I've just gotta ask, as I *know* I saw it once in AoK...


In AOK...


A long time ago, I accidentally, without intending to, clicked something or hit a function key or something -- I never figured out what and could never repeat it -- that showed me this awesome display of exactly how many Farmers, Wood Choppers, Gold Diggers, Builders, etc, I had. What a great stat! I could see at a glance that I had too few wood choppers, and built a few more.


I have no idea what I pressed/clicked etc. Never found it again, and it can be frustrating to try and count how many guys you have doing what, so that you know when you may have accidentally over-developed (or under-developed) a resource.


Now to GB...


Is there any such key or area on the screen to click or press, that will show such stats? It would be mightily helpful to see who is doing what.


Anyone know of any such?


May the Force be with you.

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Guest IdLe_WorkeR

I think you have to hit F11 first to allow statistics to display. Play around with that.


Check out pg 70 in manual shipped with game, it's there.


All shortcuts and hot keys are listed starting on pg 69.

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Originally posted by IdLe_WorkeR

I think you have to hit F11 first to allow statistics to display. Play around with that.


Check out pg 70 in manual shipped with game, it's there.


All shortcuts and hot keys are listed starting on pg 69.


That shows who has more points, doesn't it? I don't care about that so much as what my carbon/farmer/ore/nova gatherer ratios are.

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Guest IdLe_WorkeR

Alt-C is combat mode

Alt-R is economic mode, where # workers assigned is

Alt-N is normal mode, where score is.


(I think)


There is also a icon to click on for all of those, if the advanced mode is on.

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Originally posted by IdLe_WorkeR

Alt-C is combat mode

Alt-R is economic mode, where # workers assigned is

Alt-N is normal mode, where score is.


(I think)


There is also a icon to click on for all of those, if the advanced mode is on.


Aha! That must be it. Score + Economic map = population census.


I knew it was just an arcane combination that I wasn't remembering. Thanks, I will try it tonight!

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