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The Escapemi.com Forum Novel


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If you wish to contact me, Fazza, you can get me @ faz991@hotmail.com


These are the ppl in the Novel:







Sheriff: Grannen






BG1:Tom Fellas

BG2:Admiral Vamperese

BG3:Bob Fellas


Nemesis: MILegends


This should be funny, but if not, fook it!


It was a dusty night on the ESCAPEMI ranch, everone of those good looking, thigh slapping CowBoy where in bed, except Fender, who after saying good night to the chickens, had forgot to close up the cage, and was now running around after them with nothing but his Donald Duck PJ on! When the gang woke, they found Fender sleeping in the cage with the chickens curled up around him, after Murta, trying to wake him fell over in the chicken crap, they went of for breakfast. Later they took to there horse, and rode of to town, to find all the local hillbillys arond the saloon. The gang stop, and dismounted, Guybrush, who had not got used to his new size horse, kinda fell off the horse, after a quick swear they tied up there horse's, and headed for the Saloon. Fender ran ahead to get the best seats, as the rest walked thru the crowd, NiKo stopped to ask one of them what was going down, he was told that Fellas and his crew where in there, playing snakes and ladders. The gang quickly ran into the bar, to see Fender getting in a fight with them, NiKo in John Wayne speech said "HeY, YoU gUyS, YoU DoN't WaNnA bE sTaRtInG oN fEnDeR" and drew his Pistols, at that very moment Fender ran for the window, and smashed strait thru it, shouting something like "FOOOOOOK".

With that the rest of the gang ran it, pistols out, and then Fellas lot drew also........ Seems we have a show down, 3 against 3, well Fender had legged it, and Fazza had left his guns at home! Though those tomatoes Fender had just walk in with look pretty dangerous. A loud bang came from outside and Fender and Guybrush dropped to the floor, and put there hands on there heads, and in walked the Sheriff and his deputies, after a quick snitch, the Sheriff took the Fellas lot down to the County lock up, and said that the gang could go. Later though, they did escape, and killed big mother hen, Fenders best pet, and the gang were out for revenge!!! The gang prepared there Horse's and weapons, load food on to there saddles, and got ready to set off for Mexico, where the Pet killing Fellas's gang had last been seen. That night they set off, and after 2 minutes of riding, Fazza remebered he had left the gas on, but they did not care, 'cos they are meanies!!! Soon it got too cold to ride any further, and the gang settled down for the night, right by a old rail station. They all got there head down, and started to drop off, when, hit my thigh and call me Bender, the beer loving robot, Fender farted, and Murta hat blow right off, and that was it, PARTY TIME!!!!! Guybrush and NiKo started off with the John wayne Jokes, and Fender play his guitar, and Murta started to sing some country western, and Fazza sat there, eating beans and farting along! ahh!




(This is by far the worse one i have ever done, but they will get better the more i get to know you, i hope!)

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