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What Else Is There To Do?????/


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I found pete's hidout.......overheard that conversation......went to that australian's mansion and confronted him.......which made him go for a walk to some place.......and now I'm stuck......what else is there to do?


Do I just wait?


I can't go and confront pete.......I'll get shot.

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K I caught pete but now I can't find his loot.......and his shed is locked......so is most of the places in ozzi's mansion.


Now about the animals......I tried perfume at it...all it did was make the guy break his cane and take it to the shop......but when I went to the shop and tried to pick it up the guy there told me not to touch it.....to let the glue dry.


I also FINALLY caught pete......now I'm stuck again. What do I do? I went to almost every shop and can't do ****. :(

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Originally posted by Grannen

Have you seen the circus artists?

Shake "hand" with them but first go and check what you can find at DeadEye Daves place! :)


Circus artists? You mean the termites? I heard that you needed them for getting through a forest.......but on another island I think. If not I have no idea what your talking about. And I think I got all I can from DeadEye Dave......the only thing I havn't used are the hand and the abomination of nature......I ALWAYS try both on almost everything........still..................


I also have no idea what clues you just gave me are for. Getting the stick? Getting the stick? Or finding the loot?

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Originally posted by Grannen

What does termites like? Try to find out! :)


WOO HOO!!! Thanks man!!!!!


Now I got a new problem......against I am stooped, stumed and stuck by that impenatrable window in the hideout of ozzie......I tried repeatidly throwing the manhole cover at it.....no luck. Thought maybe if I threw it enough times it would shatter.....guess not. :confused:

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yo, after reading these posts, i can see that this place isn't a last resort for you. you should try everything firts and if that doesn't work, switch the game off, sleep on it, have a thingk, then have another go. if all else fails, then come here. but i think you can get quite far without us.:D

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