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Has this happenned to anyone else?


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Yes, it's caused by the small number of sound channels for GB. Let me explain how sound channels works: Sound channels let several sounds or soundtracks be played at the same time.


Let's say that you have a trooper squad, pummel, and TIE Fighter. You want the Pummel and TIE Figthers to attack a Bunker while the Troopers take down rebel troopers guarding the bunker. First you select the TIEs and Pummel and tell them to attack the Bunker. This attack sound is played by sound channel one. Then, if that sound is still playing when you order the troopers to engage the Bunker sentries, the game will need another Sound channel as the first one is occupied.


It's sort of like a human having only two hands, and thus being able to hold only two things. If you're holding something with one hand and want to pick up something else, you'll need your other hand. If both hands are occupied, you are out of luck. This is the way GB works (I guess it has only one to three sound channels). Don't know if it's possible to enable more channels than those.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Well, the limitations of the engine means that sounds (not music) will easily overlap. If you go into the editor and try to play two sounds at once, I gurantee you will hear both sounds (both at diminished quality). If you try to play 10 sounds at once, either you get a noise and not a sound or on low-end computers it will crash. Even the in-game sounds behave like this, just that crashing is less likely.

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