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Celestial Events

Guest BatMan

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For those who might be interested in this:

this year will be the first full moon to occur on the winter solstice,

December 22, (commonly called First Day of Winter) in 133 years. What is

especially noteworthy about this is that the full moon and winter solstice

will occur in conjunction with a Lunar Perigee which is when the moon is

closest to the earth in its elliptical orbit around our blue planet. Thus the

moon will appear about 14 per cent larger than it does at apogee in the

elliptical orbit when the moon is the farthest away from the earth.

Coincidentally, the earth is several million miles closer to the sun in the

winter than in the summer and sunlight striking the moon will be about 7

per cent stronger and will make the moon appear much brighter.


In layman's terms, there will be a super bright and large full moon much

more than usual. If the weather is clear it is believed that car headlights

will not be necessary on that evening.




Never Pet a Burning Dog.




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Winter heh. Just thought I'd write in from my little corner of south-east England to say that last night it snowed, and with any luck we could be having snow on Christmas day. that would be great by the way because it's only happened once in the last 30 years.



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Guest Lt Guilo

Yes, a white Christmas would be nice here, too. We haven't had one in over a decade, here. frown.gif


BatMan, thanks for the tip. You know, that would make some killer scenery for a backdrop to shoot footage of someone silhouetted against, with a zoom lens from a distance....


Sorry, it's just the film student in me coming out, again. smile.gif<font size="1">


[This message has been edited by Lt Guilo (edited December 19, 1999).]

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Guest R.A.V.E.N.

Well we've got snow on the groud. But its melting quickly, and doesent look like any more fronts are on their way......


"I'm dreamig of a soggy brown cristmas!"

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Guest Lt Guilo

Um...."Rant, rant!"???


A were-thingy with an attitude, I take it?


And here where I live, the nightly news comes on 10:00. At 11:00, Frasier comes on.

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Guest Taarkin

I [i[did[/i] notice the moon seemed about 5 times brighter tonight...

think that's bad Guilo? We haven't had snow since..well, EVER!



would you stand still if you were being approached by two naked men with Ewok food smeared all over them?

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Guest Stealth

Lt you can have a white xmas , me i`m looking forward to the possibilty of a reasonably warm,brown one for a change. smile.gif


Put it simply i have learned to hate snow smile.gif It just means something to shovel,crappy driving conditions,and usually cold.

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I can truthfully say I would be perfectly happy if I never saw snow again. smile.gif



Right is right even if nobody is doing it, and wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it.

-St. Augustine


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Guest Imladil



*(Imladil trains a set of fifty kilowatt football stadium lights directly at Conor's eyes.)*


Problem solved. wink.gif



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Samurai


"If dolphins had thumbs, would we still be in control of the planet?"


--Little Jimmy



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Guest Imladil

By the way...


That moon's up right now! I feel hairy--I, I mean honored to be a part of history. I just bark-bark, bark...oh, crap.

Do I hear a car going down the street? 'Scuse me!




<font size=1>Arrooo-oo! Bark! Bark--!</font>



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Samurai


"If dolphins had thumbs, would we still be in control of the planet?"


--Little Jimmy



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