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Guest Tie Guy

Welcome to the boards.


It's not just you, or if it is, it's just me and you. :D


Anyways, what can they do, they can't have "worldspecific" units, although that would be really cool. Like on Hoth they had tauntauns, and tatooine they had dewbacks. That would be too much work though, and some maps have both ice and desert. What are they gonna do, magically transform when they cross into the desert? :D

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Guest Tie Guy

nah, too complicated, why even bother, it's no big deal. What they should have though is snow falling on the ice terrain, i don't think that would be too hard, but it would look really nice.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

nah, too complicated, why even bother, it's no big deal. What they should have though is snow falling on the ice terrain, i don't think that would be too hard, but it would look really nice.

Too complicated?! Hows that? Snow terrain = light blue Dewback.

But I guess all they really need to change the dewback (and other animals) is for Hoth..so I guess it wouldn't be worth it

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Guest Tie Guy

It's more than just saying, ok, when you walk over snow turn white. They have to get the new artwork and insert it in when a line in the terrain is lost. I doubt the game really even can determine the difference between the two terrains, they probably just stick in the tile sets with out much programming.

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It's not that difficult! They can do it if they wanted to, but there really isn't a point to it I guess. I mean whoever heard of a white dewback? Maybe a pink one, but not a white one :rolleyes:

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Nice Avatar KVAN, you got good taste...


As for troopers on Dewbacks on hoth, it's odd i agree, but for me it is not a big thing. I mean, Star wars is a fiction, it's not historical or nothing.

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Guest Master Yoda

Umm, guys what about Lightsabers, The Force, Blasters, Starships ect. they arent real, I know this might come as a revalation to some of you but it is true!!!:D

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Guest Admiral Odin

anyone just thought that the Empire decided to transport the Dewbacks to Hoth, it is well with in their compacity....

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its no big deal!! the dewbacks would have just as much of a problem as the rebel troopers. they aren't wearing jackets and such.

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