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The AI

Guest crd_polaris

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On the comp AI thing. Is there any way you can replace the standard AI behaviour for random skirmish games. I know you can use AI scripts for scenarios you create in the editor but is there anyway you can use a customised AI script instead of the standard Civ ones in random matches.


The standard AI scripts are not as good as the AoK ones and I'm sure they could be replaced with better ones.

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Guest IdLe_WorkeR

Yes, it is done the same way as in AoC. The substitute scripts go in the AI directory in the game.


Right now, most of the tutorial help available for AI is derived from AoK. Go to SCNPunk to see what is available both under AoK and SW:GB. http://scnpunk.heavengames.com/ In the sub-sites for AOK and SW:GB, you will find a few articles on the AI.


You can either extract the AI shipped with the game and modify it, or write your own AI. A number of folks took the latter approach with AoK. Their work is posted here under AI files: http://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/


See also this article by Stoyan Ratchev. The utilities written by Mr. Ratchev do not work with SW:GB because of format changes by Lucas Arts, but you get a good idea what is possible from the article. http://www.mrfixitonline.com/readPosting.asp?PostingId=5706


Finally, I have written an article about the structure of the gamedata.drs file, and directly extracting the game AI from the file. You can find it posted here: http://www.mrfixitonline.com/readPosting.asp?PostingId=662632


Also, the extracted ai is available as one giant web page in the scenario editor articles section of SW:GB Heavens games. You can find that here: http://swgb.heavengames.com/scenarioeditor.php



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Thanks. It was that final bit about selecting the AI from the player selection option that I was missing.


IdLe_WorkeR, do you know if there is a utility around any of the SWGB forums for producing the individual AI files from the SWGB GAMEDATA.DRS? I know the AoK ones do not work because of the different length of the DRS header.


Its not much of a problem because you can do a manual extraction but a bit tedious.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

And a complete copy of the RMS in the game is also found at SWGB Heaven. A complete guide for RM scripting and the complete list of objects and terrain used in RMS are found at SCN Punk, particularly here.

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