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Who woulda prefered other civs for the demo?

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

I wish they would have included the Trade Federation and the Wookies instead of the Rebels and Imperials fo the demo. Only for the reaon that the rebs and imps have been in every single star wars game that has been made to date, so it wouda been a nice break to have some other civs for the demo, we've all seen the rebs and imps units in aciton in other games...i would have prefered trade fed vs. wookies, or gungans vs. wookies.

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Guest IonFizzle



Actually, I belive that they included the Empire and Rebels because they are the most mainstay and normal Star Wars thing. Get the full version if you want REALLY neat stuff.

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Guest jediaoe

everybody knows the units for the rebels and imps and if they put other civs in like the wookies we wouldn't know what the hell they were lol and if might not be as fun.

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Guest dlayers

Imps and Rebels where the logical choice. They went with the most recognizable and the foundation for Star Wars...the classics.


Including more civs in the demo would have pushed it over 100megs and would have also given you less reason to buy the game.


The demo is only meant to give you a taste of what's go come so that you will go out and buy the game...I think this was a VERY successful demo.

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by PhantomMenace

I wish they would have included the Trade Federation and the Wookies instead of the Rebels and Imperials fo the demo. Only for the reaon that the rebs and imps have been in every single star wars game that has been made to date, so it wouda been a nice break to have some other civs for the demo, we've all seen the rebs and imps units in aciton in other games...i would have prefered trade fed vs. wookies, or gungans vs. wookies.


You woulda complained no matter who you got. Enjoy it.

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Guest crazy_dog

A discussion that's not completely whinig about the game!! :D


I think the choice for rebels and Imperials is actually quite good, because more people like the clasical stuff better because they think Jar-Jar spoilt Ep.1 .

Still, I would have liked it better if they included the Wookies.

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by Dvlos

I wish they allowed tech lvl 4 or some other maps.. cuz the monu map is frustrating enough that I can't wait to buy the fr... game!! ARGHAG!!


Many people dont enjoy campaigns and they only buy games for the online gaming experience. Had they allowed tech 4 in the demo, there would be no reason to by the game for these people. I am actually very pleased with the demo. It came out a lot earlier than we expected if you remember, and it allowed multiplayer. I do think the one mistake they made was they should have had like a training mission instead, but i can understand their desires to put a campaing with vader in the demo!!!



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Guest PhantomMenace

I guess what i was saying is that INSTEAD of rebels and imps to have wookies and trade fed. I mean everyone knows what to expect with rebels and imperails, therefore there would be no need to advertise them cuz all a demo really is is an interactive advertisement. I think by puttin trade fed and wookies woulda better sparked people's curiosity cuz it would have showcased all the other cool things the game has to offer besides the repetitive, x-wings and tie fighters.

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