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Darth obi-wan?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Earlier in the development cycle (I believe before the switch to Xbox was officially announced) it was spelled out that you could NOT go to the Dark Side in Single player (you'd have "gray side" powers like in Mysteries of the Sith). Also we were told that Obi would remain "low powered" compared to Kyle Katarn.


The place where "dark side" powers and characters was to come in was in multiplayer, which when Obi-Wan was still a PC title, was planned to be quite extensive (some of that we are now seeing leak over into JK2, which is encouraging). For example you could play as Darth Maul and use lightning and grip.


Of course I really know next to nothing about the multiplayer mode in Obi-Wan Xbox, except that it seems to be offline only, split-screen 1 on 1 deathmatch in a type of "jedi arena." I suppose there might be some way to play as Maul or some other "dark jedi" which would certainly be cool... of course without editing capabilities, they'd have to have built it into the game.

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