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Sick of it

Guest porkins14

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

oh ya, one little tidbit: I am an unofficially announced employee for this website, so watch what you say.


What is that supposd to mean?? You gonna kick me out for a difference in opinion?? You are sounding more like Hitler, and this place sounds more like Old school Germany than I could imagine. Seriously, why are you acting like this?? You are the one with contradicting stories. you said I flamed you in the Developer's Forum, I went and checked, and in that thread you actually AGREED WITH ME!! That doesnt make sense. So you gonna kick me out because you made a mistake and I stood up for myself?? Fine, go ahead, if thats how it works here than I dont need to be involved.

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Guest porkins14

I agree, yes I would love to get along. Remember, I didnt start all of this, I just disagreed with people who tried to push their beliefs on others. Calling different strategies "cheating" just cuz you either cant do it, or cant beat it, isnt fair. Then I turned into the bad gay. I dont want arguing, but I wont stand for certain stuff, so I talk about it. If thats flaming, then I'm sorry

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Guest Darth_Venage

I'm on both sides of the issue. Basically, as long as you don't become a llama, the strats you use are fine. People who whine because they thought there one-unit-type armies would win(aka players who have played too much starcraft, ETC) should just shut up and learn.


PS: definition of a llama: llama is a word more often associated with FPSs, but it can apply here. A llama is a person who DELIBERATELY breaks the pre-set rules of the game, or does whatever, JUST TO ANNOY THE OTHER PLAYERS. In other words, they screw the fun of the game for their own personal enjoyment of seeing others suffer. What I mean by pre-set rules is this: example: MSZ zone game rooms have that little banner on top, and sometimes it says 'dont capture monument' or 'no tower rushing'. Either respect these rules, or don't play. If you play, but break these, you're an official llama, and will be disgraced for life. At least, by me.

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by Darth_Venage


PS: definition of a llama: llama is a word more often associated with FPSs, but it can apply here. A llama is a person who DELIBERATELY breaks the pre-set rules of the game, or does whatever, JUST TO ANNOY THE OTHER PLAYERS.


I like that!! I will use it in the future if you don't mind lol.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Why is everybody stepping all over Porkins?? He states good opinions and ideals and people just pummel him for it... Is this the community we want, one which somebody posts a well thought out post only for people to come in and twist words around and call him a whiner? Come on people, lets mature up a little. I happen to agree with Porkins completely. How many times have I been on the zone since the dawning of Age of Empires to have sore loser.. yes, thats right.. sore losers tell me my tactic was not "honorable". Translation of that: I got beat and I cant admit it so I have to use every excuse possible to redeem my ego.


If I do make it on the Senate, I plan to hear everybody's complaints. But lets be reasonable. But if the devs let you do it in the game, then obviously they see nothing wrong with it. If they did not want you towering somebody's town, they would have put a limit on how far you can build towers from your town. As for shooting workers... thats a great strat! What do you think goes on in the real world during a war? Didn't the U.S put embargos on Iraq and the Terrorist Organizations? Thats the same thing and fundamental principle of thinking. Does that mean we are not "honorable"? If you want to defeat an enemy, you cut off their resources.

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Guest GL_Raptor
Originally posted by Dvlos

Porky, I swear even when I agree and what your saying I feel like arguing with you. It probably has something to do with that fact that to counter- the overly exaggerated "dont shoot my droids" whiners you are the-OMG SPASTIC CLOWN OF KNEE JERK POSTING.


...you have a tendency to insult people who don't agree wholeheartedly with your opinions.


Amen :) Sorry porkins but he's right. You complain about our complaining. While I agree with you that some of the complaints on this forum are over the top, you use them as the rule rather than the exception. You started out by saying that everyone is entitled to his or her own oppinion, but in that same post compaired anti-rushers to whiners.


The rush question is one that will never be resolved for EVERYONE at the same time so stop harping on it. Some people love rush, some people hate it, and some don't really care. All of them are "right" really.

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Guest porkins14

Once again, like Lord Tirion said, whether you agree with me or not, I am just trying to develop my side in a well thought out way. Unfortunately most of my opposition just gives one line emotional posts with no back up of any sort. If you dont like it I'm sorry, but at least I am taking the time to back up my arguments instead of wasting all of your time

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Guest Darth_Venage

actually, complaining has been the rule, at leats it was for a long while. I have a friend who used to come to these forums, but he doesn't anymore because he got sick of everybody whining. Lord Tirion, I agree with you and prokins completely, as long as you don't become a llama, I don't mind WHAT strats you use.(read my earlier post)

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Originally posted by porkins14


7:00 std time i will be on, same zone name. Quit crying everyone


Std time? Is that EST? Well its 8pm EST and I am on the Zone now... hook up with me (or anyone else that wants to play in room 44 Password is 'pcxl' all lowercase no '

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by Dvlos


Std time? Is that EST? Well its 8pm EST and I am on the Zone now... hook up with me (or anyone else that wants to play in room 44 Password is 'pcxl' all lowercase no '


I play games for fun, not to solve conflicts, we'll see

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by Dvlos


Std time? Is that EST? Well its 8pm EST and I am on the Zone now... hook up with me (or anyone else that wants to play in room 44 Password is 'pcxl' all lowercase no '


I play games for fun, not to solve conflicts, we'll see

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**mod enters with dramatic music**


Hi folks, how's the party going ? :D


Ok, let's take this from the very start. I started the other thread: An Honor Code ?, not the (continued) thread. The reason i started that was stated in the first post: I want IDEAS on an honor code, if it should be implemented AT ALL at CERTAIN tournaments.


That should be enough to avoid the whole flaming war altogether if people actually read it carefully, but since i have a different experience with that, let me elaborate:


- The Senate will host tournaments

- These tourneys will have rules

- Some tactics sometimes surface that guarantee victory against mediocre players

- Senate tourneys will be open to anyone on the forum, including the mediocre players

- We'll be looking at ways to make them fun for ALL


Now i never mentioned that killing villagers is an illegal tactic or whatever... Those were all OPINIONS i asked for, but apparently some people believed them to be solid rules taken into consideration. They're not. They are opinions of forummers.


And now for the important part: like ANY opinion on this board (in alignment with your respective constitutions, that is :D ), these opinions should be respected for what they are; opinions. There will be NO (read that again: N.O.) flaming whatsover over that. Those who did it on this thread, you know who you are. Consider this a public warning.


Now please feel free to post your opinion on the subject, but if you disagree with something, simply say so in a polite manner. Or do you also start fights in a restaurant when a waitress tells you that today's special is actually great while you ordered something else ?


Thank you

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