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AI, difficulty, discussion.


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Ok, I'm not a great player, but I can pretty consistently beat the comp on moderate dificulty on 4 player maps in 45 minutes without using any 'cheap' tactics, i.e I beat it just straight up fighting.


On hard however, it kicks my teeth in seemingly no matter what I do.


Any suggestions? Has anyone written any A.I scripts that are somewhere between hard and moderate? Am I just that bad? Whats the deal.

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On the hard setting you don't even need to build a troop center. It can be fun to send streams of units to their death tough:)


Make your 5'th worker an ore collector and build a ore processor. Right after you hit Tech 2 build walls around your base. Try to use the area around your base as best as possible, keep the walls as short as possible. as those walls are being built creat more workers to collect ore and carbon. creat a war center , jedi/sith temple, spaceport. Line the walls with turrets. up grade the turrents at the war center. But try to get to tech 3 as quickly as possible so you can build anti-air turents. If done properly you will be safe to build air ports and mech factories .

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Considering that I've always played with 200 as my pop limit, I usually never build walls or anything, just plenty of troop centers surrounding the perimeter of my base. Once an enemy army attacks, I create a quick army and repel the attack. Ususally this method works perfectly.

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