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Standing Positions


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Everytime I try to pick something up or jam the paintbrush into the ship propulsion mechanism i have to stand in a particular spot facing a particular direction...does anyone know any reason why the game is like this? I've been stuck on the paintbrush jamming thing for a week or so now, i've gone through all the walkthroughs and do exactly what they say, but it only let's me use the paintbrush on the waitress!!!!!!

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you shouldn't need to stand in a particular position, you should be sitting on a the stool at the time, have the paintbrush ready and on the option for jamming it in the boat propulsion thingy,then just as the flaming scuttle fish goes behind the pillar on your right, for the second time, use the paintbrush in the propulsion thingy. it should work:guybrush:



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