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since Rhett hasn't in a couple of days..


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A useless piece of trivia much akin to what Rhett would post since I am bored. Do you see an object is parallel w/ the earth and a galaxy that is between them? The layman answer is no because the galaxy is blocking it stupid. Well that's not true you still see the object because the space is actually distorted and warped around the galaxy due to the galaxy's large mass. Therefore light uniformly bends around the distortion creating a ring of the image of the object around the galaxy. It is called an Einstein Ring, because Einstein described the relationship between space and light.




Have I stumped you yet?:D

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Let me put it on simpler terms. 3d space is a normal 2d sheet of paper. A big sheet. It is being kept off the ground. When you put an object on it it dips. This represents the galaxy. Light has to always touch the sheet of paper. If it didn't it would enter the fifth dimension. The light can't go straight across the dip where the object is. Therefore it proceeds to go around the galaxy equally in all directions.

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I understand my friend but the question is why :

Light has to always touch the sheet of paper

This that we can't explain today is the duality wave/corpuscle.

Only sthg material can be influenced by this dip whereas light was considered to be a wave. Since it is actually influenced by this dip it means that light acts like if it was material. Thus wave or corpuscle? How can sthg be material and wave at the same time? :D

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I don't know why, but maybe it is because the light isn't the thing being bent around the galaxy. Maybe the light is taking a normal path and the image is being bent. :confused: Or did I just make a big blunder by saying the light and the image are 2 different things.:confused: Now you have me questioning. I'll have to visit some science websites to get some information on why.

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wow U can look for that.If u find just call me cuz u'll get the Nobel prize !! Nobody can explain this today.But the sciences progress everydays and if u read last books on quantum mechanics they're introducing notion of "thoughts" in particles!! How can an electron linked with another one chge its spin "intanstaneously"

when u cge the spin of the linked one whereas they are at incredibly great distances?? Instantaneously--->faster than light. I'll give u the name of a writer on this subject of thoughts as soon as I will remember him :D

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