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My"girlfriend thing" I keep eluding to


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Since I keep saying things about it, I will post the whole story from scratch.


It started last year, when I met this girl that was at my bus stop. She became friends with me, talked to me, like any friend should. But then we started to drift apart. But suddenly I thought I liked her. When I told my parents of asking her out, they yelled at me,citing I was jewish and she wasn't. So I got angry, and thought about it for a long time. I thought about it till after school. I asked her if I could talk to her in person during a e-mail, and she said no. I then got word from a friend around mid July that she hated me for some reason. I confronted her with the info online, never speaking to her in person. I decided enough was enough. I wouldn't think about it anymore, I would end my relationship. It did end, I haven't said a word to her since July 22( I looked at the last E-mail I sent her.) I still think about it a bit, now. I don't regret what I did. I just wish there had been a way for her and me to still be decent friends, but I know it will never happen IMO :(

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Guest SlashAndBurn

So she didnt like you cause you liked her? Women..go figure! I've had that hapen to me a couple of times before...a girl freaks out because I wanted the friendship to be something more. And it can hurt for a while. But it gets better.

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