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My own X-Pac list


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I know that there are quite a few lists for the X-PAC, but here is mine:

- Old Republic (Senate Guards, Clonetroopers, Jedi Starfighter)

- Sith Empire (Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos and Ludo Kressh)

- New Republic (E-Wing)

- Zonama Sekot ships (from the book "Rogue Planet")

- Emperor's Guard

- Lady Luck

- The Trench Run

- K-Wing, E-Wing

- A-Wing, B-Wing in Random Map

- Sand- and Snowtroopers


:dmaul3: rocks da house

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- Sith Empire (Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos and Ludo Kressh)


not that known ....

- New Republic (E-Wing)


would be too similar to Rebels


- Emperor's Guard


isn't it in ??

- Lady Luck


good one

- The Trench Run


hard to make in a 2d streategy-game


- Sand- and Snowtroopers


what should be their purpose ??

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Well, it will be more realistic when you're playing on Kessel or Tatooine there are Sandtroopers. And similar when you're playing on Hoth with Snowtroopers. Furthermore, i've a few things to add:


* Jedi Council

* Tusken Raiders

* Grand Admiral Thrawn

* The Ssi-ruuk (Truce at Bakura)

* Captain Pellaeon

* Mara Jade with lightsaber

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Well, you are right with that one, but I don't think it'll happen ....

Maybe in campaigns, but in mp the game would have to look "so this guy wants Hoth, so civ x needs unit y insteada unit z ..."


* Jedi Council good idea, many ppl asked for them

* Tusken Raiders how, for editor or as civ ??

* Grand Admiral Thrawn yesss !!

* The Ssi-ruuk (Truce at Bakura) unknown race, just one book ...

* Captain Pellaeon sure !!!

* Mara Jade with lightsaber and once more, yesss !!!

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To aswer your question about the Tusken Raiders, maybe they could be part of something bigger: the Tatooine civ.


Trooper: Tusken Raider

Worker: Jawa

Assault Mech: Sandcrawler

Strike Mech: A landspeeder

Scout: Swoop speeder bike

Heroes: Jabba the Hutt, Bib Fortuna

Mounted trooper: A tusken raider on a bantha


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