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Which civs will make the deadliest combo?

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

WHich civs do you think compliment each other the best or would make the deadliest combo in the game! My bet goes to Rebels and Gungans or Trade Federation and Gungans!

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For a 2v2, I'd say...naboo and gungans. That way you get great mechs, troopers, melee units, air, heavy weapons, and those nifty portable shields


For 3v3, I'd add the wookiees to that. You then get another great melee unit, more air, and more troopers.


In a 4v4, add the empire. Dark troopers will further boost your troop unit superiority and their great mechs fill some what of a whole in the team. No air is needed, naboo and wooks cover that. You have great jedi and the empire add solid ones to back that.


I did not include the rebels because I feal the naboo gives the team all the strengths of the rebels but troops which is more than givin by the wookiees not to mention the gungans and empire. I did not include the tf because the empire had almost all they had to offer and then some.

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Empire and Gungans people... are you crazy?

At-ATs with shields? Shielded Dark trookers with shielded adv. pummels and adv. artillery??????



In that case to counter that civ you would have to play Rebels and Naboo and just go exclusively Jedi and Air IMO.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Yeah, Imps and Gungans do sound very scary, but not knowing how tech level 4 air will perform, i gotta give Rebels, Wookies and Naboo some consideration. We'll see when the game ships how effective level 3 fighters and level 2 bombers with shields will be.

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Guest darkmaster
Originally posted by Dvlos

Empire and Gungans people... are you crazy?

At-ATs with shields? Shielded Dark trookers with shielded adv. pummels and adv. artillery??????

I have to agree with you on that... AT-ATs with shield, man, no one could beat that.
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Guest porkins14

I think wookies and empire will be tough. Wookies have great troops while emp has great mechs. Wookies also have good air while the emps have good jedi. They seem to offset each others weaknesses.

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Originally posted by Com Raven

Most interesting, exactly those civs that ppl expected to suck are now tem-favourites ....



Ahhhh yes....people are slowly realizing the true potential of the mighty Gungan army. It might not be too late for them to turn from their misconceptions and overconfidence before the gungans wipe them out altogether.


General Theros

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The gungans(with the right commander) will be good with the naboo, due to the naboo's air superiority and the gungan's ground. How does 50 Upgraded N-1 starfighters and bombers under a Fambaa sound?


:naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo:

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by GIR

The gungans(with the right commander) will be good with the naboo, due to the naboo's air superiority and the gungan's ground. How does 50 Upgraded N-1 starfighters and bombers under a Fambaa sound?


:naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo: :naboo:


Unfortunately, air units don't get bonuses from shield generators. However, the naboo air units get personal shields, so it is just as good.

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