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Garry Gaber needs to be more original


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Guest Wanderer_Man

Most reviews are ass. On games that only require one playthrough to get the idea of what type of game it is the review is a relatively safe bet, on a strategy game they spend all of one day on it (if that) and then write what they experience, since strategy usually evolves and most reviews never do, its a pretty poor bet to trust them on word alone.


If you want insightful reviews actually read what other players who have experience in the genre say, like the MFO article by GX_Farmer,


GX is a established AoK clan (Iron won the world tournament) so they actually understand the little intricacies the game has. Blanket statements like "This game is ass" is the mark of a moron. If you don't back up your statements with why and how, you have no say in my book.

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I dunno...I have Force Commander (a friend gave it to me - the original CD - no piracy involved, honest!) and I just couldn't play it. The camera controls were just too difficult to master. And every time I got it how I wanted it, the computer would change it! Why couldn't it have just been a top-down camera like every other RTS? Someday I'll take it out again, install all the patches (hopefully this problem is rectified) and try it again. I suppose I could play it constantly until I'm used to the camera, but I shouldn't have to. This sort of problem could've been fixed if they'd had more time to produce it, but let's face it - not every company can have such liquid release dates as Blizzard.


And as far as the whole "more civs is better" argument goes, remember that Warcraft and Command and Conquer and all the pioneers of the genre only had 2 civs, and those are still great games.


I really hope that the next GB game includes more Expanded Universe stuff. I'd really love to see a New Jedi Order-era game. ANY type of game, for that matter. I'm sure it will also have Ep. II and (depending on release date) Ep. III stuff as well. We need a game with 3,000 civs on an infinite number of different planets spanning thousands of years, all in the Star Wars Universe!

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Originally posted by Chessack

Well, some of us liked the AOK engine and therefore do not mind the mods. I think GB takes a good engine and makes a much better game than the original.


To date, all the games that are "like AoK" (i.e. copy-cats or clones, but not using the real engine) have fallen far short of my expectations... Star Trek: Armada and Homeworld being two good examples. They all have different flaws, but none of them are as balanced, and enjoyable, to me, as the original AoK. So I, for one, am glad they did GB exactly as they did. AoK with a Star Wars twist. IMO, best of all worlds.


Your milage will, of course, vary.


I can't understnad that statement are you calling HW and ST:A clones of AOK. if you are your an idoit if your not could you clraify.

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Empire earth dosen't lag for me I'm on cable but still. The stragey in empire earth matches and surrpasses SW:GB. I could go into it but it would take awhile. I wasn't stupid enough to rush out and buy a game becasue it said Star wars on it so i never played Force commander.

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I'm glad they used this engine. The 2 engines I would've liked to use for the game would've been the RA engine, (that one is so good!) and the AoE engine. I love the game but the empire needs the spaarti cloning cylinders! Or every race could have a unique building. Good idea Feldman.

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