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I Love EFMI...


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Well, perhaps I'm the only one, but I'm really loving playing EFMI... I don't have my Amiga anymore, and I don't have a PC right now, so it's great that I can play a game from my favourite adventure series on my PS2... I love the 3D (although it's a bit annoying when you find yourself constantly walking in and out of the same door because the view's changed, and you're just going too fast!) I think it's retained that cartoony look, but brought it bang up to date. It's a bit too hard sometimes... or perhaps it's been so long since I played MI games, DOTT, Sam N Max, and Indy, that I've forgotten how often the rule 'Try everything with everything/everyone' comes in!! I've rented the game, and I'm buying it for sure.... I'd love to see more of these kinds of games making it to PS2!!

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