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My Game is Screwed up and its ruining my fun. Help please?


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Hello. I have been having some trouble with Galactic Battlegrounds, and was wondering if any of you could help me.


Every time after I play a game, Galactic battlegrounds won't work anymore. I mean like campaigns and Standard games won't load. It says something like, "scenario won't load." I also cannot save my progress. Both of these malfunctions seem to take place only after a certain time that the game is running, approx. 5 minutes.


My computer far exceeds the min. requirements, but I also had this save game problem with AoK. I looked around and saw this thread below, which correctly describes my problem.


However, I didn't see a solution in it and I am wondering if any soloution has been found. Thanks for any help.

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Guest IdLe_WorkeR

Since the ideas posted at the thread you mention don't help, I'd try both Lucas Arts support, and Microsoft support for AoK. Since AoK won't work either, I think it gives you an increased chance of finding a solution.


Are you running both games from the CD, or rather, is the CD that came with the game (labeled Disk Two) loaded in your CD rom drive? I'm not sure the game will work if you are running off a hard drive only. Or, if you have two CD drives, try loading the CD in the other drive. Of course, then you may get to post a new thread about sound not working....


Another weird idea along the lines of the above: has the drive letter of your CD drive changes since the game was loaded? That will result in problems if it has. Although I know from personal experience that AoC can recover from this, the txt file indicates that SW:GB does not.

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The problems on that thread definitely sound like drive recognition problems. Either the game is not recognizing your drive(s) or the operating system is not correctly interfacing between the drive(s) and the game.


Is your game installed on drive "C"? It used to be true that Windows 95 was very unhappy if you installed it on a drive with any letter other than C (although there were a variety of workarounds). It may be that other, later versions of windows are also unhappy (regardless of Microsoft's "press" to the contrary).


Also, are you running a compressed or partitioned drive? Sometimes that can cause file saving/retrieving issues as well.

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Well, if no other programs are scewing up, I'd guess it's not the drive. If the letter is C, then you're probably OK that way.


The question then is, why is it doing this to you? Argh, I hate it when computers don't behave logically. >:(


Have you tried uninstalling? If you did, was it able to uninstall correctly, or did it give you errors about how it could not "correctly" or "completely" uninstall? If there were errors, that'd mean there's some sort of problem with how it's being installed, for sure. If not... then there's some problem in how it's running after the install.

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I would have to go with a running problem. I dont remember any errors during installation and I recently reinstalled with no errors.


Did I mention before that the game functions work for the first few minutes? Like saving, loading, etc...



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Ah, well now we have a trail to follow....


Have you done a Windows Update? Perhaps there is some problem with your HD size relative to Windows' ability to acknowledge the size of the drive. Especially if it's really big like 80+ GB.


Try doing a Windows Update, install all the important stuff that it suggests, and then try again. See what happens.


Don't get discouraged... we'll help you figure it out yet!

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It sounds a lot like you're having a hard disk problem. If you have Norton Systemworks, uninstall the program, run Norton Disk Doctor and then Norton Speeddisk and then reinstall the program. If you don't have it, then go out and buy it, it's a must have for any system. Should come bundled with Windows ;) If you can't afford the $50, then run scandisk and defrag in Windows (open my computer, right click on the drive, click properties, click tools, then run scandisk and defrag).


After cleaning things up, then try installing the game again and see if that works. The fact that the game runs okay and then stops working sounds like it's running into problems as it write/rewrites data to the drive.


Good luck!

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Well, I dont have any Norton stuff and I'm not getting some any time soon.


I tried various things, like a full reinstall, a thorough (2 hour :p) scan disk, and a defrag. The interesting thing happened in defrag, when it said there was an error in drive C. I then did scandisk and no errors were found.


The problem still remains... won't save or work after a few short minutes.


Any other ideas? This is really weird...

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I had a similar problem with the trial.


Tons o' space yet it said no saving.


I was running win 98 at the time. I've since reinstalled my entire machine, but went with win 2000 this time and all is good.


I'm not saying you need win2k but ou may need a fresh install.



Darth out

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Guest IdLe_WorkeR

Driodeka4, what motherboard do you have, driven by what chipset? Perhaps the motherboard chipset IDE drivers are not completely updated? For example, on the Abit KT7A motherboard, based on the VIA KT133A chipset, the VIA 4 in 1 drivers must be installed to avoid certain problems. The 4 in 1 drivers do contain an IDE update.


Also, if you have certain VIA chipsets and a soundblaster card (I forget if you have mentioned your soundcard), an update is necessary to prevent certain data transfer errors on the IDE2 channel.


Maybe your problem is in this kind of weird IDE-driver update realm...

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Sorry for being dumb, but just what exactly IS a motherboard?

I'll try to update it once i find out what it is :p Oh yeah, and reinstalling windows isn't an option. I'm only 15 and still on the family's computer, with everyone's precious files on the machine.

I don't exactly have the cash for windows 2000, either ... my only source of income is the occasional snow shoveling -_-

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The motherboard is the main board that all the other components are connected to. It contains the RAM, the CPU chip, the sockets for cables that connect to the hard drives, etc... it's basically the thing that lets all the computer's components talk to each other.


Which, if you have motherboard problems, they won't do... which leads to things like the errors you have been seeing.


As for not being able to reinstall windows... if your windows OS is really not properly recognizing the hard drive, rather than it being a GB problem, your family's days of using the machine without error are numbered, because sooner or later there will be a catastrophe. You need to make sure that windows is, indeed, the problem, and not GB, but if it is, reinstalling the OS is a requirement if you want to avoid potential future disasters, loss of files, etc. Painful to reinstall, yes, but better than a catastrophic failure at an important future date, because you failed to fix the problem.


Still, if you aren't sure what you are doing, it's best to try to get tech support or someone like that to help you. Perhaps the Computer Science nerds from your high school can lend a hand?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just bought the game last weekend. Tried to and failed to get it to work correctly. Had every single problem that the original poster had. Called tech support after getting zero useful info online.


They said it is a known problem with Windows '98. They have trouble making it repeat. Basically, it's reinstall time.


Lucas has no time for you.

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I have been using GB on Windows 98 since December and have not had any serious problems with it.


I suspect it is not merely a Win98 "issue", but a combination of Windows 98 and a set of cards (video, sound, etc) that just don't "sit right" with the way the game is programmed.


Make sure you have updated all your drivers, not just doing a windows update, but also going to the websites of your card vendors and d/ling the latest material for your OS and card.


Yup, it's annoying and a bit of work, but trust me, your system will reward you for it... and not just with GB.

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I too, have windows 98 (but it's the second edition) but have had zero problems with GB or it's trial version. And I barely exceed the system requirments! So LucasArts department best do some better homework and give some better answers to your tech problems, especially if you called them. That can cost some cash! Because, it's not just a Win 98 problem, but as Chessack mentioned, some obscure win 98 and card/chipset combination that is ailing you.

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Oh, good call... I also have 2nd edition of Win98.


What edition to those of you who are having this problem, have on your system? It could be that 1st edition has some conflict someplace that 2nd ed doesn't. Switching to 2nd ed would then solve the problem... Could it be this simple? Probably not, but I can dream, can't I? :p

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Originally posted by Chessack

Oh, good call... I also have 2nd edition of Win98.


It could be that 1st edition has some conflict someplace that 2nd ed doesn't. Switching to 2nd ed would then solve the problem... Could it be this simple?


That's what I was thinking, and since you have 2nd edition as well, then maybe it is a distinct possibility. Guess we won't know until one of them comes back and tells us what edition they are running.


waits patiently...

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