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2nd in a series of pointless announcements (which I'm proud to make)


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Ok I've been inactive for 48 hours cause I was at our district Quiz Bowl meet for Junior High. We made it all the way to the finals versus our rival school's team. We were neck and neck all the way to the last round, but in the last round something clicked and we blew them away by close to 100 points! This is the first tourney we've ever won and we were facing teams of mostly 9th graders while our team is mostly 8th graders, w/ me and my good friend being the only 9th graders. They did contest a question that said "larceny is more commonly known as what?" The answer is theft, but they said robbery. They got it wrong but contested it saying that they were the samen thing using a list of synonyms for theft. Luckily being quick-witted I countered that with the definition of a synonym. They then came up with some other piece of evidence while we look up both theft and robbery and larceny. Larceny is taking possesions without the owners consent. Robbery has taking possesions without owners consent and threatening harm to owner.


To make the long story short the stupid judge let them have the question. Stupid Judge. But our team won anyway and get's to play at state in February.


@fergie: yes P.A. did lose to us. To bad that means you have to play really hard teams cause we won.


I don't care if there are no replies, I just want people to know this because you people are a group of people who I like to talk Idly to.

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