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Does anyone even post here anymore? No offense to you people. I think they should close this place up. Pretty much everyone in the Forums has played and finished MI1. I don't mean to offend anyone but this should be changed into a Escape From Monkey Island section. Anyone agree?

*Sits uncomfortably waiting for the flames and yells*

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Originally posted by Meksilon

But it would probably be the truth, that's what EMI is, clearly. CMI too to some extent.



I don't believe CMI was a cash-in in the least, it was a third installment to a brilliant pair of games and was what the public wanted. CMI may not be in completly the same style and MI1+2 but it's still a bloody good game.


As for EMI i think that cash-in is far too harsh a word, as far as i can remember i preferred CMI over EMI but the latter was still a fun game to play. Also I don't think the adventure genre of gaming is nearly popular enough to make any game a cash-in by pure definition. EMI did great things for reviving the adventure game and hopefully there will be more of it's kind to follow. Just because you didn't enjoy it, it doesn't mean there wasn#t a lot of work put into it to appeal to other players.

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