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Attack Of The Clones TC- Details and Staff Needed.


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Well due to the more information that we are getting and the more hopeful we are that JK2 can be eddited, I have started the ATOCTC, some of you may know me as Anakin_pm from TPMTC and SWWTC for JK1. I have started edditing models ect for Quake3 and have decided that we can proberly make a decent TC. Im looking for staff that are used to edditing games and that are used to Q3 edditing and JK edditing.

I just need who you are, what you can do, email, and maybe some examples of work (Screenshots or entire mod that you have created will be fine). Also if you use ICQ,MSM,AIM please add those details too so that I can get hold of you quicker!


Hopefully with AOTC coming out May 16th and the amount of information that is slowley being squeezed out of Lucasfilms, we can pretty much make of the TC before AOTC is released, ie player models ect.


The TC will consist of:

New SP/MP Models

New Levels: AOTC, TPM and OT hopefuly- depending on how easy and how many level edditors we get.

New Sounds

Hopefully new Saber Combat Moves- As long as everything goes ok via edditing tools :)


There maybe more, Im getting hopfuly a few people to join from the JK1 modding team including some friends from TPMTC and SWTTC.

So if youre intrested email me a aotctc@hotmail.com or anikan_pm@yahoo.co.uk


Also hopefuly we will be hosted here on Jediknightii.net thx to ZeroXcape, as long as we fit the bill :p


Thanks in advance.

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Indyy- YOu on the theforce.net boards?


Yes a web site- Im trying to design one at the moment- but building and maintaining 10+ site everyday is kinda laughable! and im running out of design Ideas!!

Hopefuly site will be hosted here on JK2.net thanks to ZeroXcape.

Zx2 if you could email me, at atoctc@hotmail.com , we should talk about staffing ect, I need as many people as possible :) :) :)


I forgot about the coggers -or equivalent in JK2 :p

Thx all.

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