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Nexsis is looking for legit D2 open players

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

to join us in games. If you have a fun time playing with us and enjoyed it, you will be welcome to join us for Dungeon Siege when that comes out April 1.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Not really. The recruiting forum is based on SWGB. This is an off topic game (Diablo II) in which we are seeing if anybody wants to play with us, not join. But if they do want to join, that is fine too =P

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Originally posted by DinoDoc

When do you usually play? I had given up hope of actually seeing one legit player on open much less a clan of them.

Hey! I'm an honest D2 open player! I played with an editor once with one of my old characters, felt like a cheater and never did it again

Tirion are you looking for people to start whole new characters in an Open game or playing the ones people already have?

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Guest Lord Tirion

We play all times of the day. We have members from all over the world so there is almost somebody on at all times.


As for legitness in a clan, yes, I agree. It is VERY rare to find one. That is why I formed one. I got so sick of watching people cheat their way in games it made me sick. So I was fortunate enough to find some great people who shared my point of view in games which value friendship and fairness over bragging rights and cheating.




We do both actually. We start new chars and have some members of Nexsis who already have characters in their 90s. So if you want to play with us with new chars, that is fine too.


Here is our forum you guys can browse http://tirion2.proboards2.com/ to get a feel for us and what we stand for. Feel free to register and chime in on any topic. Contrary to what others say about Nexsis, we are friendly. Just because we happened to be good at SWGB and D2 doesn't make us elitists who think we are better than everybody =P. Actually its quite the opposite, we are pretty laid back when it comes to having fun and are always looking for games with our members.


Hope to see you guys in D2 :)

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Guest Lord Tirion

we play ip games. We post the ips in our diablo II forum so if you want to host one or join one, just keep an eye on that forum =P

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Guest Lord Tirion

I am so glad you have been paying attention GB... :rolleyes:


We just said we formed an all legit guild with players who despise cheaters. We play ip games only with members or people we know we can trust to play fair...

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Guest Lord Tirion

Ok you should have it now. Says its just been sent and shows you as our newest forum member under Boromir. Screen name is Tirion on that forum, as for my D2 chars, too many to list =P

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Guest Lord Tirion

I can't alter people's passwords. Just make a new one if you are still having trouble. I never had anybody have trouble with this before so this is a first. Probably you mistyped your email address?

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