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Help me please


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hey guys, me here again, okay for scenario's on GB how can i personalise them?


1) i need to know if/how to change the names of the characters to something i want,.


2) Also i want one particular character to not die, if he dies the mission is over how can i do that, i managed to get vader like that but i diont know how i done that :(


3) how do i get my protected member to a specfic target to win the game?


anyideas please help me

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It´s all in the triggers... ;)


You´ve got to understand how they work. Maybe you should visit


Under "Scenario Editor" they´ve got a tutorial and, most importantly in your case, a trigger list, explaining every trigger in the editor.


These are the conditions © and effects (e) you´ll need to acomplish your goals:


1) Change Object Name (e)


2) Destroy Object © / Declare Victory (e)


3) Bring Object to Area © / Declare Victory (e)


Hope that´ll help.



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