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There will be more

Young David

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There will be more about ep2 this month. The breathing Trailer was only the beginning. Mark your agenda with the following dates ... and I quote from starwars.com:


The debut of the Episode II Teaser "Breathing" with Monsters Inc. this past weekend in theaters (and now in high quality QuickTime online here at starwars.com) is just the beginning of the all-new Star Wars action coming your way in November.


November 9 - Internet Preview at dvd.starwars.com

"The best DVD produced to date" (dvdtalk.com) just got better. Beginning on November 9, 2001, the Star Wars Episode I DVD will be your key to unlock an exclusive Episode II Internet Preview. Completely different than the teaser currently running in theaters, the DVD-ROM exclusive Internet Preview features all-new footage from Attack of the Clones.


This anticipated preview requires a PC DVD-ROM drive, internet access and the Episode I DVD. If you don't have your copy yet, buy one today.


November 16 - Full Teaser Trailer

The full teaser trailer for Episode II is coming - an all-new trailer will play in front of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone starting November 16 in North America and other territories. Picking up where "Breathing" left off, this new trailer is over two minutes in length and features never-before-seen footage and dialogue.


Lucasfilm and Apple will be presenting this new trailer on starwars.com exclusively in QuickTime 5 format.


November 25 - Episode I and Artoo-Detoo: Beneath the Dome

While major motion pictures typically appear first on cable and pay-per-view, the North American premiere television broadcast of Episode I will air on FOX on Sunday, November 25 from 7-10 p.m. ET / PT. Immediately following the feature, FOX will air a six-minute sneak peek of the upcoming web-documentary series, Artoo-Detoo: Beneath the Dome.


Told in three parts, this documentary will be available only here at starwars.com, unearthing never before-seen footage and interviews to tell the story. It features exclusive interviews with Artoo's Star Wars co-stars, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Carrie Fisher, Samuel L. Jackson, and with George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola, the directors who gave Artoo a chance.

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