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Sign Here If U Love Monkey Island!!!


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No offense Pika dude, but this is pretty much a spam topic. Most everyone here likes Monkey island and there is hardly any other point to this topic. I've noticed you spamming a lot in the forums. You post topics then 5mins later you post another topic right after that one in the same thread. If you could just put all your ideas into one thread it would save the mods a lot of trouble. Thank You!

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so wot? im do different posts coz i want to get of wanna-be-pirate onto monkey, and now that i am, im gonna stop. besides, wots ur problem? this is all 4 fun, its not totally serious like u make it out 2 b. and my computers really slow, i cant write more than 100 words, that another reason y im writing lots of messages on after another. so sorry Kjølen, i aint gonna stop writin on this site jus coz u want me 2. plus, some folk here dont like monkey island, theyre here 2 make fun o us, eva read the post that said evry1 who likes monkey island is gay? get real an quit dissin folk jus coz u no more bout mi than them. this forum stuff is supposed 2 b light hearted, so either lighten up, or go somewhere where people actually want u.

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For one thing, yes the forums are for fun, but its not fun for the mods when they got tons o' work. Another thing, I said MOST People like monkey island which makes this post useless and annoying. And I never said anything about knowing more about MI that anyone else. You might know more than me, you liked monkey island when you where in 1st or 2nd grade. I got my first MI game in 4th grade. And I don't care if you post or not I just don't like repeated posts. If you can only type 100 word in one post at a time, then make a post, when you get to 100 posts, post it. It'll take some time. Then edit that post, and type more words in it. Save it and so on. That settles it.:guybrush:

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actually, thats a good idea, i neva thot of that, so hey, thanx. and sorry an all, ill quit doin loadsa dif posts now.

does this count as an ok thing 2 ask, What do you think was the best LeChuck form? Ghost, Zombie, Demon or whateva form he was in mi4.

sorry again,

pikadude :)

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id agree, but i cant coz i aint played mi4 yet! so i think the zombie form, coz that woz fun wen he got pulled 2 pieces! all the green slime, and at the end wen he was a kid again with the electric stuff comin from his eyes, THATS the best LeChuck form!

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beautiful, well, if u say so. not quite wot i wood have said, but wot the hey. but i wood like 2 say sorry 2 evry1 for messin up their posts, i eventually got my comp fixed so i dont need 2 annoy u all with loadsa dif posts, and i got a ps2 yesterday, so i can at last, play mi4!!! im SOOO happy!


hey Kjølen, do u have a fan club? i wanna join! :)

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