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So... are they acknowledging MOTS or not?


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So, is MOTS in or out, when it comes to DARK FORCES continuity? The press releases made no mention of the events in MYSTERIES OF THE SITH, and it seems as though Kyle's fear of the dark side came from when he almost killed Jan Ors.


MOTS does not fit into the expanded universe, since Mara doesn't know Kyle, and never had a purple lightsaber. She's still using the blue one Luke gave her.


So what's the deal? Is MOTS being ignored or what?


Or is the approach to not directly contradict MOTS, but not actively refer to anything that transpired in it either? A non-denial of sorts?


- Ibrahim Ng


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I would assume that MOTS was in, since Starwars.com's Databank mentions Kyle's trip to Korriban. If anything from MOTS gets dropped, it would probably be Mara's part in it, since it doesn't fit in with descriptions of how Mara utilizes her Jedi skills at that time.

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It seems to me that those press releases don't either deny or admit MotS' existence.

Several years have passed since Kyle avenged his father's death and saved the Valley of the Jedi from Jerec and his band of Dark Jedi. Allowing his Force powers to languish for fear of falling to the Dark side, Kyle set aside his lightsaber, vowing never to use it again.

Okeyday. :jarjar: This "several years" is interesting, because it practically lets us decide what happened between JK and JK2. Only thing that might come from MotS is the "fear of falling to the Dark side", but even that was featured in JK, when Kyle had to decide which path he ultimately chooses and Jerec made it even harder when he put Jan Ors in danger. So, MotS has started to feel like some kind of prologue to JK2 which tells us what actually made "macho" guy like Kyle to really fear the Dark Side(that Sith Temple still gives me the creeps), but through Mara Jade's point of view; LEC might have regret their decision, which they originally made because Mara was and still is popular character, but expansion ended up to conflict with events described in the books. Even though it's not necessary for casual gamer to play through MotS, it's interesting "little" adventure in the life of Kyle Katarn and at least tells us almost in the same way as the movies, how some heroes can be turned easily and others(like Mara) can resist the temptation. :D

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I agree that they seem to have pretty much dropped MOTS' involment in the storyline. I think, actually, using the Sith at all was a bit of an error as Geirge Lucas is rather strict on what people can say about that. Better, now actual details of the Sith are coming out in trhe new films, to play it safe and forget about it all.


But that's only the official line. Kyle's moral, er, 'flexibility' in MOTS does indeed fit well into Outcast. SO if you like it, keep it. As it were.

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It would seem that Kyle did go to Korriban, and Mara did rescue him, along with the other events of Mysteries of the Sith. Yes, the purple saber is supposed to be blue, but Kyle's saber is supposed to be yellow, and it looks orange, so we can forgive that can't we? As for the Force, remember that you didn't have to use any powers for Mara but sight, jump and persuade, all of which any Jedi has in some form, so it doesn't mess with Mara in the continuity unless you add powers like destruction or deadly sight yourself.


My $0.02

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honestly! who cares if it doesn't exactly fit in with the books. loads of stuff in the books doesn't fit with the films... and most of them are so bad that very few people are gonna read them anyway... at least enough to figure out any minor inconsistencies.


Kyle going to the dark side and then coming back is one of the main things that makes him an interesting character.


having all these jedis with destruction powers that are more powerful than anything in the mocies suddenly "appear" in JK isn't exactly consistent.. it is a case of gameplay over pickyness...

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I didn't think it was bad at all. I thought the ancient Sith temple on Dromund Kaas was an excellent idea.


Most expanded universe material isn't that great..yes. But neither is some of George Lucas' recent offical Star Wars material. The Phantom menace......shudder. I'm dreading what episode 2 is going to be like.


As for me, i played through MOTS many times and as far as i'm concerned it's part of the Jedi Knight saga.

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hmm. the only EU books i have bothered finishing was the thrawn trilogy (plus the other 2) and i hadn't even noticed the error with the lightsaber. now i have had it pointed out to me... it still seems totally irrelevant.


the FEEL of MOTS (dark vs light, power corrupts, redemption, friendship) was a lot closer to the feel of Star Wars than a lot of the other EU (and that includes EP1!). It would be a shame if it was forgotten just to make up for some minor incosistencies between various books that a very small percentage of the game playing audience will have read (and an even smaller percentage will have noted in such detail as to notice the inconsistencies...)


The should try to keep the games consistent with the movies, then the other games, then (lastly and least importantly) the books.

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Er, well, as I said, it may be actually because of the movies that they are being wary. GL is not happy about people talking about the Sith, because that is one of his areas of not-yet-known knowledge.


MOTS was written while the Sith were just an EU thing; now they are in the movies there is the possibility of a serious continuity clash. So quietly ignoring MOTS- in any official sense- was probably a smart move, whilst not actually doing anythiung that directly says it could not have happened.

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Beside all you comments.....


The MotD gave us more "crateloads of Adventure". And Hours of Playing.


I mean everything from the EU were there, an even if it doesn't match a few things...that doesn't matter.....not really...


Pirates; Jedi Holocorns;....The Sith (damn the Temple still Creeps in my dreams) and the old Imperial Boys....a nice Char. like Mara and more-


About Maras Saber....In the Thrawn Trilogy...he got Luke's old one.


In the Booklet of the MotS game...i read that she made a another saber while her training at Kyle.....and only for the training.....


Maby, after the strugle in the Sith temple, she uses the one given by Luke....


Ok lets wait for JKO :)

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Personally I thought the MOTS story was uninspired and decidedly formulaic. I also felt that their depiction of Mara Jade was just a little out of character....


But that's just me. Anyway, disturbingly few computer games are known for their contributions to the literary arts, so a simple expansion should hardly be expected to vault ahead of the crowd, I suppose. :)

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I don't know about you, but when playing MotS I got the distinct impression that everything but that last two or three levels (swamp and temple) were nothing but fill. Absolute rubbish. "Lets see how many little levels we can get in there." Nothing happens except a couple of failed raids (completely unimportant in the long term), and a little bit of supplies gotten to the new republic. Rrrrrg.

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That's actually realistic when you think about it. I mean, they couldn't mess with continuity too much, you know. The game played like normal life for Jade would, in between playing Kyle and rescuing him. (BTW, IMHO the last two MotS levels---the Sith Temple---were incredible :D very well done)


BTW, MotS IS being acknowledged. The sw.com entry for Mara Jade confirms she trained together with Kyle, very briefly, feeling sympathy for him as a fellow refuser of Luke's Jedi Praxeum offer. After Kyle fell to the Dark Side, he decided to join Luke's academy (JKII :D) However, Mara declines to join him.


Kyle's bio confirms his fall to the Dark Side on Dromuund Kaas.

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Originally posted by Denise

Personally I thought the MOTS story was uninspired and decidedly formulaic. I also felt that their depiction of Mara Jade was just a little out of character....


it wasn't perfect... but i guess your enjoyment of it would be greatly influenced by your previous experience of the characters.

Having never heard of mara jade until i played MoTS i thought she was a pretty cool character... i guess if i had read the books first and developed my own idea of her then it would be more likely that she wouldn't fit it. (as is often the case with films of books: those that have read the book hate them, those that haven't like them.)


MoTS wasn't perfect...but for an expansion pack it was pretty damn good (new technical features, loads of new enemies, new powers, new plot, new player character...). before MoTS expansion packs usually consisted of a load of random levels and 2 new weapons and 2 new enemies... :(


The beginning and end of the plot and the level design were cool. It dragged a bit in the middle, and a few of the middle levels weren't that great... but some of the others were damn cool... and we got to meet a hutt and a rancor. :D


the only thing that really bugged me was that they NEVER explained what the hell a Holocron was. i still don't know. it was just some "Jedi Artifact" that i had to spend ages running after... but WHY?

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Well, if nothing else MotS kept us all playing JK for a few more months didn't it ?


I really don't see what the problem is here, Lucasarts used the JK engine and took it a stage further with MotS. This gave them the opportunity to add new char's and try a few little tweaks out, lets face it, how many of u have wanted a game where u could take on a Rancor with a lightsaber, or dress up as a Tusken Raider and threaten a Hutt ?


I realise that the time line is very critical in the SW universe but surley there's room for MotS !

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There is another option. I'm not sure of the timeline for all the events, but MOTS might occur after Outcast, not before. They could retain the JK to MOTS continuity without using materials from the expansion. Both JK fans, those that loved MOTS and those that hated it, would be satisfied.

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