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Someone get me up to date on the game.


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Please. :)


I know that in order for us to get our lightsaber back that we will have to go through the J. Academy and pass some tests for Luke, then he'll give it to us. Right?


But what about all of the other speculation around the game? I'm feeling a bit lazy atm, these forums run kind of slow for me, and I don't want to take the time to go back through all the threads.


So lets hear it! Or else... :slsaber:

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wow, the last time ive seen you was on the obi-wan forums.. hows it going?


i'd raid the faq.. other than, there isn't a tremendous ammount of speculation going on; alot of the basics have already been revealed.. right now everyone's mainly fussing over the details :p

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Thanks for remembering me. :) I'm doing fine myself. I just need to drop that terrible nasty involving life-sucking bad habit... Asheron's Call :swear:


I did raid the FAQ. Twas helpful, it was.


Details are what makes the game fun when we first get it. If we know everything about it before it's even released, it wouldn't be too much fun then now would it?


Well... since there isn't much left to speculate on since the game is so close to release and everything is fairly well set in stone forever, I guess this thread is kind of pointless now. :o

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