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Uh...for the Mac?

Yodimus Prime

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See that's the problem you all measue things in Mhz when really that is irrelevant. You see there are certain pipeline that have a certain amount of blocks of data flow through them. Now, while MHz may be cool, you have to take into consideration that the pipeline for a say P4, is around 18. Now that dosen't sound like a big deal until you relize that in those blocks of data are continous amounts of of data that erase the whole pipe forcing the data to start over again. So if you have a longer pipe than you lose more data in those continous hits. If you have a smaller pipe it take less data with it and refills quicker.


Just to give you a comparison a P4 has around a pipline of 18, AMD around 12, Apple around 7. Now you see the fact there is I can beat a P4 1.4 with my 733. You can belive what you want, but those are some of the few facts that not many people know.


By the way, do you think Corvettes are overpriced? I personally think you pay for qaulity, while a little neon might be cheaper does it make it better?


I think your just upset because Mac users get the Geforce 4 before th PC users. ;-).


To reply to the quote of "Yea, I cant imagine why people would by a Mac when you can get an amazing PC with a much greater selection of games ". Two things on that note. First of all, out for the Mac is, Quake 3, Quake 2, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Elite Force, Oni, Myth 3, Max Payne, RTCW, Star Wars Battle ground etc. I personally don't have time to play even those games. So I don't need anymore. Second, I didn't buy my Mac just for games. I bougt a Mac becuase I want to get things done. I video edit, photo edit, create websites. There's more than games I do with my Mac and I prefer the higher quality.


So there you go, hope you didn't fall asleep because there will be a test tomorrow. ;)



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Guest Krayt Tion

I have no problems with porting JO to Mac provided no energy is wasted in these last stages of development on doing so. Make the best game you can for the PC now then do whatever you want afterwards. Actually...they could be using that time to work on an expansion ;)

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LOL, you guys don't seem to understand the process ofa game comng to the Mac. You see, there are these companys, about 4 or 5. That are the publishers for Mac. They get the rights from LA (or whoever) to release it for the Mac. Then another Mac company ( a porter) that closely works withe the pulisher ports that game to the Mac. Then the Mac publisher releases it. All LA would do is give them the game and the source code and let them have at it.




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