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Force Pull


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Force Pull was discussed months and months ago, but hasn't been brought up in awhile. I'm still wondering exactly how it will work.


You can pull weapons from enemies hands', as well as pull the enemies towards you. Will this be done with the same Force Pull? Or will there be 2 separate Force Pulls? If its with one button, there's really only 1 efficient way I can see it working, and that is whether you charge the Pull by holding the button longer, or not.


For instance, you tap Force Pull, and it pulls guns and such. You charge Pull for a few seconds, and you Pull the enemies themselves. This leads to whether or not JK2 will have the targeting receticle like in JK, or if it depends which direction you are facing. Personally, I would prefer the receticle, but not a cheesy flashing circle, something creative.


I'd like to hear other ideas on how Force Pull will work.:)

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne

I don't remember reading that.:confused:


If that is the case then that means you cannot have both at the same time, which would really be bad IMO. I thought about this way too after hearing about the 3 levels of Force. There has to be a way...


Either you can choose which of the three to use once you have them all, or Raven figures you won't need to drop stormies on their heads once you can disarm them. I'd like to see stormtroopers with the sense to pick up dropped weapons though. Its stupid when they are running around in JK when there are blasters lying around.

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<font color=cbcbff> What puzzles me is that in the updated description of force pull they don't mention that at all. Maybe they removed it because it just didn't work out. If you think about it, it'd be pretty awkward. And if you need to knock someone off their feet, why not just push them? You never see any jedi pull someone off of their feet in the movies, so it makes me wonder if they just recently pulled it out to make the gameplay a little better. If their reasons are as I think they are, that would probably be a good decision.

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There is just one, like in Jedi Knight. Well in JK it spoiled the 'immersiveness' when the circle thing appeared around whatever you wanted to bring towards you. It would be better if you faced the object instead, don't you think?

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