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Battle of Hoth ShipSet

Dagobahn Eagle

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I've been pondering on this one for a while, and have finally decided to make it official: I'm planning to make a Single- and Multiplayer Battle of Hoth for X-Wing Alliance.

Some features I'm planning are:


  • Working tow cables and Echo Base ion cannon
  • 8-player mission with four slots for the rebel snowspeeders and four slots for the AT-ATs.
  • 2 single-player missions where you play either as Rogue squadron (Rebel SnowSpeeders) or Blizzard Squadron (Imperial AT-ATs).
  • 2-player AT-AT Interface a la flying a CORT: One person drives, the other person shoots, both will have heavy guns.
  • ESB voice lines troughout the whole mission.


So if anyone wants to join the team, go ahead and tell me! Right now I'm making/programming the missions, but I'll need you guys to send me opts* and voice lines besides from the ones I already have. My hope is that this might become some 'big' project like Snooba's rebirth of the Empire, and I also hope to have it done before the end of the year. So let's start workin'!




For more information, go here, or check this thread for a list of available opts or other tasks.

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