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Cheater kicking easier!


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I'm sure that all of us know how annoying it is if cheater has somekind of weird name and you can't write it to kick him.

well...I have an idea :D


Solution: There should be some kind of menu in every game where you could kick players without typing their names.

(Note to the development-team of JK2) :slsaber:

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Kicking cheaters is important. However, I am more concerned with the PREVENTION of cheating.


Hopefully with server-side checking, it will eliminate a lot of cheating. It won't eliminate all of it, and I hope the support from Raven or LucasArts is sufficient enough such that discovered cheats are patched out.


Cheating is what fouled the JK community. I hope cheating is better adressed with the sequel.

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What's the point of cheating anyways??? There's no challenge, it's just walking around an enviroment with the trigger pulled. No skill required, no challenge at all, and no fun for anyone (not even the cheater). If anyone who reads this does cheat, please let me know why because I don't see the point.

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You guys eem to be concerned with the blatant cheater, i.e. the guys shooting concussion balsts from their StRifle and turning a portion of the level into water. My BIGGEST concern about JK2 is the ability to cheat. People that cheated in competition ruined JK for a lot of people. I hope they somehow address this beforehand or adress the cheats as they come about.

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Three cheers for Pure Servers!! (From you...not me silly. ;P)


If you guys want to be prepared for cheating when it does show up, because it will, then go find out what kind of cheats started with other Q3 Based games, like Elite Force and MoH: AA (if any has started?). Medal of Honor would probably be your best bet since it is the latest released Q3 Engine Based Game. People have probably been busy checking out the code and seeing where they can get in the loop holes and stuff since the first day it was out. Go talk to people in that community and find out what is happening now, and then we can be better prepared for it when it does happen to JKII. Of course if we are prepared for cheating before it happens, then we might not have to put up with it, which is the whole point of this. :D

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To answer the thread question, if the console mimics Elite Force, you will be able to display status info on all players (ID#, IP address, allais name, ping, ect) and then be able to perform Kick Id#.


One bit of advice on accusing people of cheating and kicking them. Please do not accuse someone of cheating early into your gaming. 99% of the time, you will just be playing against a player of higher caliber, luck, scripting, ping or all the above. In all the time I have played Elite Force, I have not seen one positive proof of cheating. So, if you suspect cheating, record a demo, get a screenshot, but do not yell "Cheater". You will only look like a horse's patootee.


In elite force, you are able to script/bind photon jumps and MaxFPS settings to help jump out of a trench without using a photon jump. These are not cheats, but I dare not get into detail or the ethics of scripting, as that is a whole thread to itself. Many have been accused of having special running scripts and such, but again, no proof.


So enjoy and do not cry wolf for the love of Bob.

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I think the only way to make a cheat-proof game is to not make a game. ("Strange game, the only way to win is not to play.")


However, I believe that getting rid of blatant cheaters is not hard. With the software we're likely to have booting them will be pretty simple. The hard part is making sure that nobody uses cheats that are less easy to detect, such as having a little bit more health, or a little bit more damage, or infinite force and using it wisely. Not being a hacker or programmer or anything of the sort myself, however, I can't offer any advice as to how to go about checking this.

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