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GBG Security issues....


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Guest Kioet Csuhen



It better be burnable!!! I'll buy it of course, and then I'll burn it so me and my dad can play.


If it can't be burned, it better dam well be a 'multiplayer' thing where only 1 cd is required to do mp. If not...i'll be of mixed emotions. They also better include REDBOOK AUDIO!!!!!! (if the tag doesn't work, so help me...)

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I have something to say:


With AOK, you only needed the disk to start the game. Once you were in game, you could take the CD out, and the game would still run. Then, you could insert the disk in another compurer, start the game, and voila! AOK is running with one disk, on one comp!


*The host needs the CD to host, though. You need one CD for three players, 2 for 6, etc.

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, technically it is only illegal if you do one of several things


1. Sell the CD

2. Use it for business purposes (doesn't make sense here)

3. Do not already own the CD (so if you burn it and give it to a friend it is illegal b/c he doesn't have an orignal copy)


Burning a copy to play on another one of your computers and not giving it to anyone else or selling it after you paid for one copy originally is technically not illegal i do believe.

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Guest Kioet Csuhen
Originally posted by Clefo

If you wanna have more than 1 CD then buy 2 copies!It dosen't exactly help LEC make better games if you don't buy every copy your own. And if you people want an expansion pack you better buy all your copies


$100 for 2 cds. well, for one thing, if 1 cd=$50, it better come packed. I mean:


Thick manual (makes the box really heavy)

Redbook Audio (I get ticked off when any of my games doesn't have that, if there's not redbook audio, don't hardcode the music, do that, we'll go get mp3 and say it's legal).


anyways.....galactic battlegrounds is awesome.

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I hope the discs do come with digtial fingerprinting as it can stop the pirating of games being distributed....


I dont mind it so much if people are burning another copy to play LAN but the distributers do this so the pirating organisations can be stopped....


I admit I used to buy burnt games.....but i realised it was wrong and from then on bought the games at retail price from shops

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

as long as they have a multiplayer thingy i'll be happy.


I'm getting a burned copy of star wars racer soon, which in my opinion is legal, as i've got the n64 version, which i overpayed on ($50).

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

I tried burning Rebellion once. hehehe it didn't work. I burnt rogue squadron once, tested it, it worked, sent it to a friend, it didn't work. heh

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Guest crazy_dog

If u guys are talking about pirated stuff then I buy it all the time when I go to Russia.


In the freezing country *avoids calling his homeland "Motherland"* they don't have any proper computer shops and it's also much cheaper.:D

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Guest Darth_Venage

basically, here's what I want from a new game(and I'm sure most of you will agree with me)


2:if not burnable, then you should be able to either A: start it up and take the disc out(AOK) B:hold 3 or more players on a game with 1 disc if game is installed on all computers

hmm, I had a 'c' but i forgot. I'll get back to it later:D

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The thing with these copied disks is, is that it's not just a case of burning the disk and it works, in order to get AoK to work on a copied disk you first needed to have a modified .exe file which was about 7 times larger than the original (because the cd copy protection info is compiled into it) AND you needed to make registry changes.


Now I'm not condoning it, I have some pirated software, but when it's an important game (like this one) I will buy it.


Either way, someone will crack it eventually, but it's not going to be me ;)

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