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November 12 confirmed in stores?

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Anybody call up any of their local game stores and found out the exact date SWGB will hit the store shelves?


I have spoken to a few people and they said they heard November 12th (This Monday). But I dont know if that is true or not.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

It was also the day WW1 ended... on the 11th hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of the year 1918. Yes, I heard November 12th... maybe 13th though, since they will be gotten the twelth...

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I have been thinking....


If you line up the reless date with the date the pre-orders show up, it should be nov 13.


Being that it is veterns day sunday, the post office will not be working on manday, so that means that anyone how pre-ordered form la.com will not get theirs untill nov 13.


That is only if they thought of that...

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Originally posted by Clefo

You know, the day we honor our fallen Veterans.. Am I the only one who knows that?


Besides even if it wasn't Veterans day it would still arrive Monday the 12th barring any Anthrax complications



there are already complications, clefo. i don't know if you heard but there are some post offices that have already made changes to how they handle mail that enters their facilities. i believe postal workers have veterans day off (which is sunday but will be carried over on monday so that some people can celebrate it as a holiday). my local electronics boutique store said the 12th but i wouldn't be surprised if it hits the shelves on the 13th...

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Guest WC_heavyarms

NOvember 13th. My retailer guy said they ship monday, on sale tuesday. And TIE guy, I asked a babbages store guy too... hmm...

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Well I went in a local babbages the other day and saw the staregy guide for battlegrounds. I thought that's odd. Noticed there were tons of cardboard boxes that were packed with stuff. I asked if they may have got in early. They said pushed back to the 13th. hmmm Veterans day the psot office is closed. Looks like tuesday my friends.

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