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is it jsut me or.....


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is it jsut me or does every bit of new information make u want the game more and more!!!!, the new questions answered update on the mainpage just made me want the game even more....and i didnt think that was possible till now.


the part about them not knowing about a demo yet doesnt reallly bother me, like he said its hard work to get one out, also i dont see a point of releasing a demo a week or so b4 the game is released, whats the use of installing a demo of a game a week or so b4 it is released just to have to uninstall it and install the full thing again because its obviously a game that you want to buy just from the info we've gotten so far...

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Originally posted by TrUeFoRcE

the new questions answered update on the mainpage just made me want the game even more....and i didnt think that was possible till now.


whats the use of installing a demo of a game a week or so b4 it is released just to have to uninstall it and install the full thing again


You just contradicted yourself. The point is that you want the game SOOO bad that you're willing to wait 1-84 hours to play the game 4-7 days earlier. Well 3.5-7, if you're going with the 84. About. :) Math. Never usefull, always a necesity.

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I agree Trueforce! The people on here who say they "always play the demo before buying a game" are the people who haven't been watching it since summer of last year. I mean, realistically, if you've been paying attention, you don't care about a demo for the sake of making sure the game is worth buying, you care about a demo because you finally want to play the darn thing! Some of us don't care about a demo at all, right Max?! Max? (I sure hope he backs me up on this one, cause otherwise I think I'm alone...:D )

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I don't buy what was said about the demo taking resources away from the game development...at this point (beta stage), most of the programmer work has cut down drastically. Why wouldn't they be able to send a lower-level programmer to put together a few levels and assemble the demo? I probably should believe him...but it just makes sense that there would be less work at this point.



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I'm not really into the idea of a demo on this one. Lots of downloading just to give away the best part of how the game works? If there is a demo, I hope it doesn't have the lightsaber. That's an experience that should be saved for when you buy the game.

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You just contradicted yourself. The point is that you want the game SOOO bad that you're willing to wait 1-84 hours to play the game 4-7 days earlier.


i dont think i contradicted myself, all i was saying like moses and brick pointed out, i jsut see the demo as a waste, if i wait this long i dont mind waiting a few days longer for the full version, besides within those 84 hours ill be asleep half the time :)




I don't buy what was said about the demo taking resources away from the game development...at this point (beta stage), most of the programmer work has cut down drastically. Why wouldn't they be able to send a lower-level programmer to put together a few levels and assemble the demo? I probably should believe him...but it just makes sense that there would be less work at this point.


i disagree with this, i doubt that raven or any other company has programmers just lying around, if demos are released usually the coders working on the game are the ones who make the demos,and it is alot of work cuz they have to try to show off the game without showing off the story and other secrets of the actual game, which means they will have to change alot of their code its not as hard as the initial programming of the game but it would still take some extra work, also as they stated they dont even know if they have permission to release a demo yet they said it was up to lucasarts at this point.

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Originally posted by Brick

I'm not really into the idea of a demo on this one. Lots of downloading just to give away the best part of how the game works? If there is a demo, I hope it doesn't have the lightsaber. That's an experience that should be saved for when you buy the game.

you dont quite get the idea of what a demo is really released for

The demo is released so that people which is not fan of the series and is not following the development(the biggest part of the market) sees the features of the game, and of course the best ones like the force and the saber, so that they run to buy the game after playing it

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