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I beg Lucasarts to release JKII for MAC!


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Originally posted by Chanke4252

If you think I dont know what im talking about go have a look at your local software retail store and compare their Mac and Pc selections. At any of the stores that ive been to the mac section was very small to non-exhistant and i prefer not to have to search around for titles that i want.


Well, I have to say that a few stores I have visited in recent months are stocking fewer PC titles and more console titles, and that seems to be a worrying and growing trend. Does this mean the PC is no longer a viable gaming machine? Of course not. Does it mean some of the titles you want to get are harder to find. Yes, it does.


That's one of the reasons why I stopped visiting some of these stores, and have started getting my games online instead. There's a far wider selection, they're usually easy to find using the search facilities, and you get the game you want without any hassle or blank looks from sales people who are often completely out of their depth. :)


My point is that although many stores may not stock many Mac titles - it doesn't mean there is not an extensive range of titles available. You just have to hunt for them in the right places. ;)

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I definatly think the Mac has definate gaming potential, i just dont think that many software manufacturers consider this and thats the reason I use PC's.


On the console note, it seems to me that computers and consoles are in kind of a constant cycle of console over computer or computer over console. Whenever there is a big release of multiple consoles the games pile up for them. But then once the consoles get a bit stale, the computers start to win out again because consoles lack the capability of being constantly upgraded to include new features and power. Personally I hate consoles, i tend to think of them as the lazy man's computer.

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