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Gungan Campaign Level 1


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I may be missing something..can anyone help!?? I have got rid of the bursas upon returning to my old base as insturucted in my objectives. Boss Nass has survived and all the rest! However I am not victorious!! I even rebuilt a command centre there!


I have explored the map as much as possible and still nothing happens...how do I finish this level!? There are some bursas on another island but there is now way to get to them!

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I thought this one was a little hard. The bursas tended to rush me before I was ready. I had to restore two or three times and hide the Boss behind the troops.


I didn't have any trouble with the end though. Did you destroy all the nests? The things that look like little piles of grass? I think there were three or four of them. You definitely don't have to build a new command center. As soon as I destroyed the last nest that was the end.


One more idea, save your game then Quit and see how many Bursas you killed. The total should be 15. If not, probably one of the Bursas is lost in the woods south of where you built your base. There should be a way to walk down there and check. Very rarely I've seen AI controlled units get "stuck" in heavy trees.

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