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Republic Civ Addon Idea [Episode II Spoilers Beware]


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[start Of Spoilers, Beware] :eek:


How about a Republic Civ From Episode II with Clone toopers, LAAT/i’s, LAAT/C’s, and AT-TE’s, Republic Gunships. That would be so cool. Also what about Kamino and Geonosis planet Terrain and buildings to go along with Episode II campains.




As the Jedi are ambushed in the arena, several Jedi display extraordinary Jedi fighting abilities. Luminari Unduli and Barris Offee can wield their lightsabers at uncalculated angles that confuses the Geonosians and Battle Droids due to their special double-jointed bodies. Dead Jedi fall down stairs while other Jedi twirl two lightsabers against the deadly Super Battle Droids. Shaak Ti is powerful in large group situations and is able to destroy vast amounts of Battle Droids in a small amount of time while Bultar Swan uses telepathy to synchronise her moves with other Jedi in perfect mirroring ability.

As the arena falls silent and the last of the Jedi lay dying, Mace Windu, skilled user of the lightsaber Form 7, speaks to Dooku, telling them he will not be a hostage that he can barter with. Count Dooku, who comes from a wealthy family and was once the Jedi Master of Qui-Gon Jinn, replies, “then I'm sorry, old friend. You will have to be destroyed.” This could have been the end of it all, particularly with the small band of Jedi surrounded by a legion of Battledroids, Droidekas, and Superbattledroids.


Suddenly, Padme yells out, “Look!” Above the arena, LAAT/i’s fast descend and begin to disgorge clonetroopers who return fire. Before long there is a hell-storm of laser fire as Clones fire upon the droids and blaster shots bounce off the shields. Yoda appears in the doorway of one of the ships and urges the surviving band of Jedi onboard. The Gunships take off and unleash more firepower on the droids before flying over the rim of the arena.


Outside on the flat terrain below, a line of parked Trade Federation and Commerce Guild Battle Ships and legions of Battle Droids begin to appear. However, thousands of Military Republic Cruisers begin to land on the surrounding countryside spewing out thousands of LAAT/i’s, LAAT/C’s, and AT-TE’s as well as hundreds of thousands of clonetroopers.


The Clonetroopers open fire with artillary. Explosions caused by the LAAT/is wreck the parked Battleships. The LAAT/i’s open the rear of their ships and release hundreds of Military Swoops and the AT-TE carries LAAT/c’s laden with troopers into the midst of the battle grounds. The Clone Trooper’s armor is heat resistance and allows troopers to stride through the searing interfaces of shields as well as deflecting glancing blaster shots and damping direct hits enough to improve survival. Troops also share tactical video from their helmet visors, with multispectral imaging that penetrates smoke, fog and the airborne soil of the most explosive battlezones.


Clonetroopers advance, firing at the massed droids. The clones are expensive items and there are IM-6 battle droids ready to rescue any clone that is damaged. Each of the LAAT’s carry a medical station in the front part of the ship to repair and battle damaged clones. Repulsor lift stretchers and decontamination tents are vital to the IM-6.


From the sky suddenly comes Trade Federation Starfighters! They fly overhead, exchanging fire with the LAAT’s. However, due to the low altitude of the LAAT, they Droid Starfighter’s can not take them on. Instead a legion of Jedi Starfighters emerge and open fire on the Droid Starfighters.




How about the Genosians/TF as Civ with Genosians Warrior, workers, gaurds that need housing. but they can also make TF Troops factory at Tech level 2 that can produes TF troops that don't need housing. Because Genosians are the one that make Battle Droids Troops for the TF in the Episode II. That would be so cool of civ!


also I would like in GB....


Mace Windu

Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku

Anakin (Teen Age)

Sexy Padme!

Yoda ( Melee saber action )



More Coming later, Please replie with comments


Thanks Garry for one H*ll of a Starwars Game! :D


[End of Spoiler]

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