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I got my hair cut yesterday, and well, it got me thinking: "What do my foruming friends do with their hair?"


It may not be the best question to ask, but... I'm curious.


My hair: Too short! I can't do much with it... it's WAY too short... Wash 'n Wear ;)


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PS> That thread "I have to get this off my head" sparked my interest too :)

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Guest Tie Guy

I have blond hair that used to be tolally white when i was young. Come to think of it, i just had my hair cut las t week as well.


I wear my hair short, but not a buzz or crew cut. I just let it fall down straight, i don't wear it to the side or use anything special like gel or mousse.


So, hope your curiousity is now satisfied.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

i don't wear it to the side or use anything special like gel or mousse.


Yeah, same here. I used to, 'cos it was the cool thing to do, but after a while, having all that... grease in our hair make you feel kinda unclean. :( Now, I just cut it real short... don't have to worry about styling, etc. :)

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Guest DarkTrooper

i am one of those people who doesnt care what people think of me, so when i have longer hair i dont comb it or nothing i just let it fly. but i usually have a buzz. i have this really cool wave in the front of my hair that looks like i used gel but it is natural.

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hehe, i have medium size black hair that i gel and comb most of the time. if not, i just throw a baseball cap on. to get a better picture, imagine jason priestly's (the guy from FOX's Beverly Hills 90210) hair black. that's almost how my hair is, short on the sides and combed on the top just like his....

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Guest Kioet Csuhen



it's so darn thick and girly. *vomits*


so what i do is get it buzzed off once a month. a #4 blade. hehe. I wish i wouldn't get complaints about my beard tho...always am forced to shave it once a week. :(

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