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XGR Interview---the Force + other tidbits


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I finally got through downloading all five parts of the Brett Tosti radio interveiw...and on part five he gives some pretty interesting info. (I'm only listing the stuff I don't remember having been 100% confirmed or clarified.)


-"March-April timeframe" for release date (so we know there's no set-in-stone date)


-A multiplayer-specific power will be team heal, which "heals everyone".


-Force sight WILL enable to you to see through walls. (Tosti pointed out that this would discourage campers)


-You may only carry three Force powers at one time in Holocron mode. (If you pick up another Force power, you'll automatically drop the one you picked up the earliest to make room for it.)


-At least ten, maybe twelve+ multiplayer-only maps (perhaps not including maps from ingame, it wasn't clear)


-A couple maps ("dueling maps") are made for only two people dueling at once, while everyone else is a spectator. (Guess some of you will get to play out movie-style duels without interference like you wanted :))

(Note: "exactly" like Rocket Arena---whatever that means ^^;; lol)


-There will be a few "Easter eggs" :) along with secret areas ala JK/MotS


-No current plans for porting to consoles, mostly because there's no multiplayer community there to rival the PC.


The rest of the interview basically confirmed alot of things, and had some cool little tidbits. Also alot of location and story information which I won't post cuz some people might consider it spoiler info.

(Tho it wasn't too bad.)

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-A multiplayer-specific power will be team heal, which "heals everyone".


-Force sight WILL enable to you to see through walls. (Tosti pointed out that this would discourage campers)


-At least ten, maybe twelve+ multiplayer-only maps (perhaps not including maps from ingame, it wasn't clear)


WOOHOO! I was kind of afraid for the multiplayer maps thing, some recent games have been shipping with 8 and less maps. I still wonder how they're going to pull off Force Sight.

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