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ICARUS vs. COG (anticipating ICARUS2)


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Don't worry guys :) Wired Lamp Studios will be bringing co-op to JK2 like The Snerd is already doing for Elite Force. WITH Icarus Support. That will allow you to modify anything you want in the game. You can just create a single player game based on the multiplayer code. That is how we plan to change everything in the game. And normally the project will be open-sourced => it will allow you to make additional changes to your weapons etcetera ;) You'll just have to credit WLS ;)

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In-game cinematics are simple - just place some NPCs, script them to do what you want, throw in some ref_tags for cameras and write your camera script... pretty easy to do.


The gist of what I was getting at as far as SP editing vs MP editing is this: In SP, you can easily create new missions, storylines, etc, but you won't (easily) be able to change the basic gameplay elements. In MP, you can do almost anything, as with Quake 3...

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That isgreat news (as long as the MP SDK is really released), but I think many JK modders will be disappointed that there's no one universal system controlling everything as there was in JK. That's what made modding so easy for it.


Anyway, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer this question, because it was one of those questions that never gets official answers. :)

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Thanks for clearing some of this up. (Shame to end an interesting and speculative debate though!!! :) ) Just one question though.

In SP, you can easily create new missions, storylines, etc, but you won't (easily) be able to change the basic gameplay elements.

I read that to mean it is possible to change the gameplay elements, but it's going to require some work to do so. Can you give us any hint (:D ) what that might entail?


(Oh, and thanks for taking the time out to answer this!)




Don't know if you've got EF but even if not, get hold of the ICARUS manual in the EF GDK (downloadable on the Raven site I believe). There are quite a few details (and an excellent FAQ) on how to create cut-scenes and get the characters to do stuff. Assuming that ICARUS2 is going to work along the same lines that is...

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This is extremely disappointing news - singleplayer modding is essentially useless. I realize the multiplayer co-op workaround will work, but it's still disheartening to learn that moving to a much more advanced engine gives even *more* limits.. after 4.5 years we were hoping for unlimited possibilities, but I guess that's too much too ask.


I realize that developing ICARUS2 into a "lean, mean scripting machine" would add time onto a short (but effective) dev. cycle, but I still wish it had happened. It's worth being patient for one more month to enjoy the benefits for the next several years. For now, I'm torn on the decision to edit JK2. With Unreal2 approaching, people will slam even the best of JO mods for their graphics, ignoring things like gameplay (omg!!!11) and implementation. It *always* happens... and besides, UnrealScript 2.0 looks pretty flexible. We'll see what the future brings.

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What?! No double bladed lightsaber or new force powers?! NOO!

We will want/need new models, new maps, old maps redone(nar shadda and bespin), new weapons, and new sabers like double blades or diff colors. I remember how much fun JK was. I use to play it so much.. I was a cheater though sometimes. I had the cogs that would make you fly and the one that would make you spin up into the air and explode but only used it on people that used instant kill cogs on me..

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Awesome! I hope someone releases a map pack with all those old school maps inside. Then it would be time for oldschool catwalk duels but maybe the catwalk could be a little bit wider cuz the saber duels are a little bit more advanced and it looks like when you swing you move alot.

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