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Questions and concerns


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hmm... i agree a bit about the saber. the way it sends people flying in the movies does look a bit silly... but i guess they aren't gonna let you slice people into little bits every time you hit them... so it is that or nothing....


what worries me more is that they might adopt the same process in Episode 2 (to keep a pg cert)... they could get away with it in ROTJ as it didn't happen very often... but in big scale saber battles it is gonna look silly if they don't get sliced. oh well...


i think they are going for a more "dynamic" force meter... eg: most powers will use a lot of force, but it will recharge quickly... that way they "spread out" the usage, so after each speed usage you have to stay at normal speed for a short while, rather than just pressing speed again.

seems sensible to me... makes you think a bit about when you use it.

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they could get away with it in ROTJ as it didn't happen very often... but in big scale saber battles it is gonna look silly if they don't get sliced.

In the RotJ movie camera was positioned so that we couldn't have even saw how those Jabba's guards were cut open by Luke and only few of them were shown from frontside, but saber itself blocked the view, so that we didn't see their intestines coming out(there is interesting cutting sound though, when Luke slices open gamorrean guard's stomach in the middle of battle). I think this was the best way to do it in those days when they didn't have advanced technology to show actual dismemberment(except one guy losing his hand), but who knows how graphically intense Lucas can be during large battle scenes in AOTC(still without going too much into detail). He might even want to enhance older battle scenes later when overseeing the work on upcoming DVD edition of original trilogy. ;)


What comes to JK2 though, I would also like to see opponents being actually sliced in parts(perhaps head, definitely arms and hands, probably even torso, but I'm not so sure about legs), but I still stay on my earlier statement that Raven/LEC probably disabled the feature completely when they captured both screenshots(except those few exclusive shots for PC Gamer mentioned earlier) and videos just to keep its effects "surprise".

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