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Serious Map/Scenario Testers wanted for GB.com

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Hey GB'ers


As the new look GB.com is under way, we are looking for the following people to help with:


1) Scenario & Map Testers

2) Scenario & Maps makers


The new GB.com will have new features, some carried over from GBUK and we want GB.com to be the best place to go to get maps, scenarios, campaigns etc from


If you are interested, please leave a response below and I will mail you direct.



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Yes, I am quite interested. I have, in my opinion, a rather extensive understanding of how the Triggers work, & in which ways one might manipulate their original functions to adhere to the new 'unorthadox' idea presented. I've spent too many of my months, creating, testing, thinking, creating, testing, thinking, to have any other opinion about my abilities in this area. I do not know everything, I'm sure of that, but I apparently know more about their 'nature' than most. I'm not a 'know it all' by any means, I am just inspired & amazed with the possibilities in which they present (the triggers) and LOVE trying to figure out HOW to make this or that idea work. I've spent so much time doing this, that I am confident in my abilities to contribute to your needs. Maybe this is all too much information, but it seemed more descriptive then, "Hey, I wanna help, too!"

I'd enjoy hearing from you in an e-mail, I'm sure your able to retrieve it from my file info; & if not I'll list it here on my next post.

Thanks for your time UK.

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Sorry, UK I got your private message but lost the e-mail you had at the bottom, thought I could read it & respond later-but it erased it. Please send again, as I am quite interested indeed. Next time I won't assume it'll stay 'round til I erase it, viewing apparently does that for me once I leave the personal area. Sorry about the hassel.


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