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I Have not been keeping track of the game all that much so if I ask something thats already been asked well my apologies


1. Anyone know If Biker Scouts are in this game? I loved them in MOTS I am guessing no.

2. Do the enimies vanish from screen like they do in JK once killed?

3. Anyone know if there will be various death positions for characters as apposed to simply falling flat forward for example

4. Any idea as to weather or not the Dark trooper will ever make a come back in a FPS

They are the best I even have a perfect idea how to reserect them

just curious

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Originally posted by BJP3E

I Have not been keeping track of the game all that much so if I ask something thats already been asked well my apologies


1. Anyone know If Biker Scouts are in this game? I loved them in MOTS I am guessing no.

2. Do the enimies vanish from screen like they do in JK once killed?

3. Anyone know if there will be various death positions for characters as apposed to simply falling flat forward for example

4. Any idea as to weather or not the Dark trooper will ever make a come back in a FPS

They are the best I even have a perfect idea how to reserect them

just curious


1: Not that I know of.

2: Maybe, maybe not. Would it really bother you that much if they were cleaned after you went X distance from the spot a body lay? Its a way of keeping framerates up. In Singleplayer, they may disappear, in Multi, they will definately disappear.

3: Yes, more than likely

4: Dunno. Maybe in a MOD where you can play as one in a TFC-esque mod, but I have a feeling you'll at least hear about them in JKII.

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Not sure about the Biker Scouts, although I always felt they seemed a little out of place without their speeder bikes... One thing I liked about MoTS was the addition of the AT-AT drivers (even though they were driving the AT-ST's.) And TIE Fighter pilots. I'm guessing enemies will dissapear once killed... dunno. I think the Dark Trooper threat is over, although I'd like to face one again. If it isn't included in JKO you can bet that someone will make a Dark Trooper addition for it.

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