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Hmm What the Leaked info DIDN'T tell us about force powers...


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I don't really see the conflict in terms of 'good game' versus 'competitive game'. Sure there are times when it's really annoying to be cheaped (force protect on canyon oasis anyone) but it just forces you to be inventive (force pull followed by punching the cheesey goit 'till he dropped in the above example).


That aside one thing I'm really looking forwards to is sabre fighting, which looks much more involved than the previous incarnation. As for not finding out about mana costs vs mana recharge, part of the fun of multiplayer was working out what you could and couldn't get away with (killing someone outright was possible with grip at 4 stars but not 3 for example, something which cost me a few times discovering!)


As for force pull being annoying it worked both ways and if the light siders had absorb on they didn't have protect and either died from a jumping double-slash or just evened things up (if they had a sabre out to begin with).

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The competitive thing with JK could be fun from time to time, sure everyone wants to be good, becuase you can stand up to someone, like a elite vs a elite, thats fun becus both of them know how to use certain tactics, wich made the game more fun for them,


But for the Noob's things were sucky, i mean a Noob starts to try different tactics when hes pounded to death time and time again (at least i did that when i first started :D) but to be honest, JK I didn't allow such tactics, now i hope that JK II does allow those tactics.


But to give my oppinion on FUN or COMPETITION, i'de rather play for fun with some guys and each of us does fancy movements and stuff, then play for the points only, cus in my oppinion games like JK aren't all about that.


just my 2 Euro's

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One thing I'll throw in (and this isn't meant to be a flame by any means) is that in spite of how "cheap" some people may make JK out to be, I know of hundreds of people who had countless hours of fun with it just the same....

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if you hosted a ff game, the most effecient way to win was what torm keeps expounding on.


If you knock the force down to like level 6 or less, then the other powers became more important.


JK wasn't cheap, it was just polarized. The multiple force settings let you customize yer game fairly easily. If you didn't like destruction, then just knock the lvl down. You could keep knocking it down until you found a level you enjoyed playing at.


Nobody did that online, because the extremes were more popular. NF, FF etc.


Anything in the game=can't be cheap, its just how it is. If you want to play the game differently then consider different settings and you might find you enjoy it more.


You might consider things unbalanced, but JK is fairly uncheap at all force levels, its really brilliant. When yer just starting out its easy to get stomped tho, cause all you need are a few tricks to really outclass someone who's just figuring it out.


One thing it isn't is easy. I've spent 4 years playing this game and I still find it challenging.


I'd like to see elements of JK preserved in JK0, but i don't want the same game. I just want to see some of the better shiz preserved and taken to a new level. Lookit Diablo vs Diablo2. Diablo2 is a heck of a lot more complex, but a lot of the major dynamics in its predecessor are present.


As for what we're missing with the new info, torm's right. Mana cost is the only element we need to start to figure out how the game is balanced. You could go watch the video a few times and get a rough idea of what they were doing with it in a few instances, however that video was prolly taken before they started really fine tuning the balance.



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